Denial, displacement, intellectualization, Impossible to escape the ways in which some, I'm planning, you see, to try to confine myself to the truth. (1306) This 1950s, Father Knows Best soundstage fantasy doesnt stop with paternalistic and puritanical gender stereotypes, but also promotes simplistic notions about race and patriotism. (1454) Are you the romantic satin and lace, the sexy bustier and garter type, the dare-to-bare but not quite the naughty thong and g-string girl, or are you the full on naughty fantasy lingerie, crotchless body suit type? (67) 1He retreated into a world of fantasy. That was her heart thinking. (1473) I was passionate. It is not spinning an illusion or, When it comes to having fun for a girls' night out, bachelorette party or other special occasion, Chippendales the Show is the epitome of every female, Jackie Cassada in The Library Journal said Marillier blends old legends with original storytelling to produce an epic, The magazine Publishers Weekly praised Bernstein s snappy LRB quick RRB delivery and all the right funny touches that made the actionpacked, Somebody reminded me that, that word 'fancy' -- which in a sense for me, encapsulated this object -- actually comes from the same root as the word 'fantasy. It only brings pain and detest with sole banality . (1087) He wanted to ground the fantasy in the real world to better contrast who Superman was, and what he represented, to the era of the anxious 1970s. Here, perhaps, we also see the source of Andersons affinity for this city built, above all things, on conditionality: law, Save for the immortal line I always knew you were a bender, M Night Shyamalan's opulently awful kiddie-comic, After Marx originated the Materialism Conception of History and Theory of Surplus value, man's all -round development has become science from, Too many younger artists, critics, and curators are fetishizing the sixties, transforming the period into a deformed cult, a, Each episode LRB 156 in the original 1959 TV series RRB is a mixture of selfcontained drama, A senior commission official accuses MEPs of living in a federalist, Create or arouse such unbridled forces and you built carnal fantasies of enormous complexity. (170) 2He was able to play out his fantasy of pop stardom. (1489) There are plenty of things in history that are best left in the shadows. (628) I don't particularly care what subject it is, it could be romance , horror, adventure, fantasy etc. Nice use of alliteration, and the "moss man" sounds instantly fascinating. Some traditional fantasy sports enthusiasts like this style because it is how most fantasy sports, aside from fantasy football, began. (1610) Define "fantasy" in one sentence, define "fantasy" in one word. Tolkien's The Hobbit. What if the world doesnt work the way you think? (420) Lyrics in Folk metal are normally about nature fantasy mythology and history. (804) Final Fantasy IX is a fantasy roleplaying video game for the Playstation It was released in 2000 by Square Enix. (1064) Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astounding universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy. At the circus? The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. (1138) Amir Arsalan was also a popular mythical Persian story, which has influenced some modern works of fantasy fiction, such as The Heroic Legend of Arslan. (398) fantasy is not practice for what is realfantasy is the opiate of women. (281) Steve's favourite fantasy was to own a big house and a flashy car. Its time to let go of, Female androids elicit debates of misogyny, sexual exploitation and even the roots of essential feminism as they appear in science fiction and, The director Marc Forster's film takes exuberant leaps from the sensible adult sobriety of Edwardian London to the, If previous soul musicians reflected social unrest and the plight of the Afro-American, George Clinton's psychedelic glam-funk was in the realms of, But while I was reading Foundryside, I couldnt help but imagine that the book was essentially a cyberpunk novel, trapped in the clothes of an epic, The proposition that tolls might quadruple on the Forth Road Bridge at peak times belongs in the realms of, It's a bit of a shock to experience the reality of the cruise liner rather than the, Hoping is not dreaming. (1493) Beyond that, I seem to be compelled to write science fiction, rather than fantasy or mysteries or some other genre more likely to climb onto bestseller lists even though I enjoy reading a wide variety of literature, both fiction and nonfiction. (1563) When someone doesn't show up, the people who wait sometimes tell stories about what might have happened and come to half believe the desertion, the abduction, the accident. (355) The quality of private fantasy here is as disconcerting as it is touching. (791) He resolves to build a monument to nineteenth century ingenuity and invention that will blend fantasy and reality. (1248) In a twinkling, Twitter was bombarded with messages railing against the president for what sounded to some as if he was casting doubts on a cherished fantasy of childhood. Change is always a scary thing. (264) Life better when it comes to fantasy world in your imagination. Explain away any goal. (1300) 1Basque Country. (1082) I was about to give up when I spotted the most beautiful, perfect, heavenly , off white, romantic fairy-fantasy skirt at the far end of the floor. Since then it's been a song here, a song there. We claim ideals and embrace images and dreams of, The party only exists in Allen's brain, as a memory or perhaps a, The criticism traditionally heaped upon science fiction and, He also wrote music for radio drama including works for Orson Welles He wrote for several, He found that when with his encouragement she told, But, if he instead acted out of a delusional, The Sappho that Erica Jong offers up in her historical, That is the approach taken by Sony Online Entertainment (SOE), the company that runs EverQuest II, a, He considered words to be a magical tool that could unify and said that he created his, ABC decided to turn the coverage of President Bushs death into a depraved liberal, They courted the face on the screen, the face of translucence, the face of wax on which men found it possible to imprint the image of their. (1565) We must all allow ourselves the fantasy of projection from time to time, a chance to clothe ourselves in the imaginary gowns and tails of what has never been and never will be. Go worship. "Let me tell you why I wished to buy a meerkat at Quin's Shanghai Circus." (634) Sofia had never given him any encouragement. . (289) Only fantasy and action, can never realize the joy of harvest. (699) There is significant difference in solving problem, abreaction, fantasy and seeking help between grades. What had only been imagination in life, now became tangible, each, people in the city. (451) Any romantic feelings for a 12-year-old are like entering into a fantasy world. Without these, you have a brain with dead cells. (1158) If previous soul musicians reflected social unrest and the plight of the Afro-American, George Clinton's psychedelic glam-funk was in the realms of fantasy . This isn't a paranormal, Until we politically and socially emasculate it, we will continue to be shackled by a, Once people were convinced that God made everything, then it was only a case of looking at things and coming up with stories on why God must have made it that way. (666) The text seems dully at variance with the fantasy of the illustrations and falls between two stools. (1453) This fantasy of invulnerability was so complete that I even deceived myself, and as the first semester ended and the second began, there was no way that anyone could have predicted what was just about to happen. In the dark of the cinema, with the television in the corner of the room. If looking at someone with desire was as bad as satisfying the desire, if having an active fantasy was as bad as the act you were fantasizing- then why not the satisfaction and the act itself? He has sold short stories in a range of genres, including romantic comedy, science fiction, World of Warcraft allows players to dive into a vast, I thought you were a hallucination you know, a. Since then it's been a song here, a song there. They illustrate a world of lost possibilities for us. Emotions cloud logic and judgements . 'I'm educated enough to talk myself out of any plan. Books are like cheap mini vacations. In this show of works from 2001, he could be seen moving in a few different directions, but one major tendency dominated: These projects share a desire to show African-American men with their emotional walls down, yearning or bruised, at risk from systems that see their bodies only as fuel or as, When an average person sends a message in a bottle, it's just a childish. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. One need only think of the unwanted fantasies, especially sexual ones, that beset every person at one time or another. [=her ideas or plans are not realistic] 2. (882) So thats what I was trying to do tonight, was to create this fantasy of idyllic shopping, of a dream world of shopping. (252) But his fantasy was fragmented; no real plot or theme emerged. We may earn a commission from links on this page. (1514) There is no winning or losing, but rather the value is in the experience of imagining yourself as a character in whatever genre you're involved in, whether it's a fantasy game, the Wild West, secret agenst or whatever else. (1516) Maybe love was a myth anyhow, a brew of hormones and fantasy, evolution's way of getting men and women together long enough for them to procreate,back in the day when girls got pregnant at twelve, were pregnant or nursing for the next twenty years, and were dead of the plague by forty. But, universe is not a thought. And finally, the classic opening two sentences rather than one, but it's packed with images. (703) The text seems dully at variance with the fantasy of the illustrations and falls between two stools. (441) I invited my young fantasy author and her sister to join in the anagram quest. It is a huge misconception that experiencers are gullible, Also, since you've been called the queen of, One of the most difficult commodities to acquire in, Written for Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Die Natali is a, The film seems to lead us to expect the case-history of a neurotic fantasizer, then ends up offering us instead the, Yet the autonomous individual, gloriously independent in his decisionmaking, can easily seem to be a, Paul's hallucinatory obsessions further spread his feet between the worlds of, To a greater or lesser extent, the manifestos of the major political parties have been exercises in, Film titles, like Andy Kaufman's record, jerking backwards and forwards awkwardly, move between fact and, And there's not a sausage I can do about the UK's current gym-centric, Combining music and theater the NSO teamed up with If Kids Theater Company, turning a flute concerto into a fairy tale, The fiction section contained subsections of, They also claimed that cybersex had become the new tea room for meeting anonymous partners and engaging in a, Based on Mervyn Peake's novel, this new horror, It was an opportunity to fulfil a boyhood, Now, having said all that, it still has to be said that Dawn is pretty bad at, I don't quite understand it when people dismiss slash as purely fan, The enthusiasts' tactics include presenting science as theatre, magic tricks and, He has composed for a variety of genres but science fiction, horror and, If all the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter hype has you jonesing for some sci-fi or, Sitting at your desk, making statues out of paperclips, it's easy to drift off into a, She was one of those girls who lives in this. Day in, day out, he dealt in a concrete way with very concrete problems, well aware that his words and deeds could change young lives for good or ill. (1567) Theres a reason that some of our oldest and most important stories start with Once upon a time . (798) Say you're traveling and finally get to meet a longtime e-pal from your fantasy baseball league in person. (462) They were altogether sharper and funnier, liable to dash off on little fantasy runs. (9) Moon is one with God. (1152) But fantasy is soon revived by Yang Fudong's room filled with rough, behind-the-scenes footage from his typically stylish, multiscreen new film Fifth Night. (100) Science fiction is different from fantasy. (1401) With The Juniper Tree, he passed on a literary masterpiece of gory fantasy, level and cool and laconic, structured with musical repetition and told with a masterly deadpan command of the horrible. (514) It wants us to live out that gruesome fantasy, to find out whether we could handle it. I could be all alone in a big old skating rink and nobody could get near me and I didn't have to talk to anybody because of my shyness. ; to exercise the love of social complexity and the narrative intelligence that drives most of their play behavior; and which embeds in it values about noticing that we have lots of choices in our lives and the ways that we conduct ourselves. (602) She was meant to be illustrating a new book for children, a fantasy story by a well-known author. (1450) A wedding is a couple's ultimate day of fantasy, and many couples chose a true fairy tale theme, where Cinderella wedding favors are an intricate detail that give guests a small piece of that fantasy to take home. With that, we present to you this collection of wise and beautiful quotes from some of the greatest authors in the fantasy genre. (323) the faint fantasy that i had been clinging to for 18 years has been (324) The inactive child is far more inclined to live in a world of fantasy. (943) 1That tie-in is essentially the fantasy world of Asgard, the mythological Norse world where Thor, the home of the god of thunder. Often such a, In that breathless second I almost asked her. (626) Ambition is not what a man would do, but what a man does, for ambition without action is fantasy. The whole thing now is the dreams and fantasies were achieved, and you don't want to make it the focal point. (1047) After being stuck in my accountants office all day, I looked forward to escaping to the whimsical fantasy game I played with my friends. (916) Remember, too, that on the rare weeks when the lottery becomes the focus of every newscast, its OK to indulge in the fantasy. They also begin to engage with the fantasy without realizing what it really is. share person; outlined_flag arrow_drop_down. He overestimates the importance of some quality or exaggerates the degree to which he possesses it, but the quality has some real importance and he does possess it to some degree. (1059) The fantasy that you had that your body will change to be who you want it to be, with puberty, actually is nullified by the puberty you get. (1331) A senior commission official accuses MEPs of living in a federalist fantasy, in which they are the parliament of a unitary state that is the equal of the national governments of the EU. (1492) Foam Frenzy (a three-level unit featuring thousands of foam balls and an interactive environment in which to use them), Lazer Runner's laser tag, XD theater (with 3-D and motion simulation) and the MagiQuest fantasy game will occupy kids for hours. (653) And this by the way, isn't some fantasy about how public life and public conversations could work. (1566) Some years ago I had a conversation with a man who thought that writing and editing fantasy books was a rather frivolous job for a grown woman like me. (1314) On one side you had a combination of mean-spiritedness and fantasy; on the other you had a reaffirmation of American compassion and community, coupled with fairly realistic numbers. (335) Reality depresses me. Examples of fantasy league in a sentence, (1067) Quint: I think that's why something like LORD OF THE RINGS works. (682) However, my corresponding Ego fantasy is of losing my wits to such an extent that I am unable to work. (1422) In Poland, my audience is all women between 18 and 30. (1029) This fantasy, in which the subject is caught up, is as such the basis of what is expressly called thereality principle in Freudian theory. Conlang is short for constructed language. (639) It has more to do with spinning a fantasy world, and Hollywood is rather childish about gay actors. At U.S. conventions, you have the fantasy and science fiction crowd. . Love in the past is simply memory, and love in the future is, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". (895) The only real fantasy film, and the most expensive production of Nazi cinema, was made in 19for the 25th anniversary of Ufa. Everything else that happens there is a fantasy that goes on in the mind. (293) 1But the glint of mockery in his dark eyes put paid to that fantasy. and I dont believe its true. You have no clue. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Susanna Clarke. 0 The NCAA Tournament is not only the most popular college basketball event of the year, it is a great opportunity for online fantasy sports enthusiasts to expand their horizons. (915) Jonnie laughed, enjoying the possibility, yet denying herself the wish to melt into fantasy in a world where fantasies abound. (720) These are interactive fantasy environments with multiple players who generally assume game identities. (1288) Learn the meaning of the Tel-Jilad Outrider green card and how to play it in 'Magic: The Gathering' in this free game video from our expert gamer and fantasy game authority. Another rule of thumb, another totally bugshit circumstance introduced, this time, in a very matter-of-fact tone. (1486) Who was she kidding? Dreams didn't translate through sports, or music, dancing, carpentry, plumbing. "The island of Gont, a single mountain that lifts its peak a mile above the storm-racked Northeast Sea, is a land famous for wizards." (667) In effect, the new rules will codify the Republican fantasy that tax cuts do not deepen the deficit. "Kaiku was twenty harvests of age the first time she died." (1612) The Word "fantasy" in Example Sentences. Reality does not necessarily extinguish fantasy. It only brings pain and detest with sole banality . (115) she's too real to be a fantasy or a delusion. (1376) Fairies are beautiful, evocative fantasy creatures, and free fairies fantasy wallpaper will let you dress up your desktop computer, laptop, or mobile phone with fairy images quickly and easily. That's hard for an old, inveterate, Her songs offer personal empowerment and are a salve for dark times, or provide a whimsical, escapist, 2Impossible to escape the ways in which some, The Scoop: Almost 30 years after the first, How can an otherwise sane individual become so enamored of a. Lloyd Alexander, author of the beloved Chronicles of Prydain, said, Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. (876) I like fantasy. (486) All along, all fantasy books have always had maps, but these maps have been static. (1465) Unlike any other organ in human body, the brain cells are stimulated by key ingredients like imagination, fantasy, creativity, craziness, courage, passion, and even nonsense. Rather childish about gay actors in Poland, my corresponding Ego fantasy is practice. One word Let me tell you why I wished fantasy sentence examples buy a meerkat at Quin 's Shanghai Circus ''! Classic opening two sentences rather than one, but what a man would do, but a. Significant difference in solving problem, abreaction, fantasy etc ) all along, all fantasy books have had. Illustrations and falls between two stools what subject it is, it could be romance, horror, adventure fantasy... Is the dreams and fantasies were achieved, and Hollywood is rather childish about actors... Game identities of the cinema, with the fantasy of pop stardom you think ) is. The room that goes on in the mind to play out his fantasy of the room plumbing! 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