They know everyone hates them, and hates them enough to not buy their insurance so why they continue to produce them is a mystery. If only, Anonymous. If this shows the IQ level then Im not sure Im in safe hands. The difference is simply good writing versus bad writing. Diploma) and Boston University (BFA). They need to get with the program and come up with some better ad programs, or at least pay someone that knows what they are doing. Fire the marketing department. Obviously the spots are popular as they would not continue them. A good ad focuses on selling the product. I cannot stand the vast majority of commercials and watch zero reality TV, sports, superhero and/or science fiction crap. We provide comprehensive, tailored business insurance solutions with expertise and care to help protect your people, property, and reputation. Its scientific contributions include machine safeguarding guidelines, the Cornell-Liberty Survival Car and ergonomic guidelines that have informed the basis for national and international safety standards. But Liberty Mutuals last couple of campaigns have ruffled a lot of feathers. Another classic example, if memory serves, is the 1917 ad campaign, Its toasted, for Lucky Strike cigarettes. Bravo, David! Couldnt agree more, laj. Im sure the actors in these commercials were pretty embarrassed about having to play these parts. this means they have heard us loud and clear and will be changing their campaigns soon. Mute button for the win. Liberty employs nearly 50,000 people throughout the world. I get the rest, which is great, but wondered what it means opening with that line. Agree 100%! Few other actors playing in commercials earn money like that. But their latest as with the struggling actor is absolutely hilarious. Gives me a chuckle at least! Whether Liberty Mutual knows it or not, its doing great damage to its brand. Now that I have, yeah its another dire what-were-they-thinking? moment. Hi, Deborah. And Liberty Mutual is one of the worst offenders I know. But, maybe there's good news. But Doug is the real star! I ought to plaster that all over the home page of this site. The main advice I have for someone that has a point of view like yours is dont watch TV or listen to commercials. in another room when one comes on and I cant get to the remote in time). They dont even use the nickname on their website. Fortunately for Mr. Wilde, he never had to watch a Liberty Mutual commercial. We need something sexier. Do actors get paid every time a commercial airs? This is partly thanks to the quirky and fun LiMu Emu and Doug commercials, the Liberty Mutual Struggling Actor commercials, and the actors in them. More on that ad here. We also rank 68th on the Fortune 100 list of largest corporations in the U.S. based on 2017 revenue. Doug, in the Liberty Mutual commercials, is played by actor and comedian David Hoffman. The message is clear and concise, in addition to, as you said, being uplifting. In my feeble attempt to be open minded, maybe Im missing something. In it, Doug stands in front of a crowd as he accepts the key to the city, and we catch a brief glimpse of Doug and Limu Emus wives in the audience. I think these Doug and Emu skits are great. How to Start a Car with a Bad Crankshaft Sensor! The first commercials were directed by award-winning Australian director, Craig Gillespie, who collaborated with the Mill, a visual effects studio, to bring LiMu Emu to life. They among the worst ever in terms of stupidity, an insult to the intelligence that approaches the patently offensive treatment of race and gender in ads of yesteryear minus the redeeming opportunities for ironic snark. LiMu Emu & Doug on Twitter: @PinkyJohns LiMus wife, Linda, is quite honored that you think so / Twitter. ad campaign, I feel impelled to call Point of Order for a moment. Kudos to Esurance for at least acknowledging that insurance is a pain. Advertising people are in business to sell products and services. My guess is the marketing people at Liberty Mutual caught mascot fever and couldnt resist the LiMu play on the company name. I dont use Verizon but I love their ad! If I were a comedian, Susan, Id want you at my every show. (Also, raise your hand if you think the car insurance industry needs another mascot.). Im going to do advertisers a favor here and highlight one key thing you said: Why do these people think we buy insurance? Boomers? Its disappointing that Liberty is no longer asking for feedback on its ads, but perhaps (I hope!) Now the duo is back, but in fact its a trio because Emu is getting married! As for the LiMu Emu ads, I dont mind silly. Dennis Quaid for esurance is hilarious. As explained by the Akron Beacon Journal, LiMu is a mix of real emu and CGI. Several outtakes feature him stumbling over his lines or offering inane advice. See, everyone? What does the dialogue mean in the car ad when our guy says, Gimme your hand and then spits out his toothpick? Bet I could watch them again on one of the many streaming services out there Hm. Whilst living in West Saint Paul, Minnesota, Hoffman eventually met his wife Carol Stebbins; the pair had two daughters, the first being born in 1971 and the second in 1977. Who is Doug from Liberty? Libertys ads dont do that, and its embarrassing, as you say. . I would make different accounts just to like this one a hundred times! Before signing with Liberty Mutual, Hoffman made frequent appearances in TV and film, usually in comedic roles. More on that ad here. Im glad you find them funny but the point is to get you to buy their product. Thanks for responding and for being a good sport! Ive gone to LMs website and left comments (probably not too nice) They actually have a link (tab) to comment on our TV ads IKR? LiMu Emu and Doug bring a new twist to the classic buddy-cop duo partners guided by the notion that its a crime to pay for things you dont need going above and beyond to ensure they do their duty. It is more annoying than a ride breakdown in the middle of Its a Small, Small World at Disneys Magic Kingdom. TV Commercials starring David Hoffman including Limu Emu & Doug and Super Bowl commercials (Doritos, Bud Light) Actor & Writer. Funny. I came across a poultry sanctuary that has written LM about their ads, and the president of the organization has encouraged their readers to do the same. Right, Siti? I agree % with the bad grammar observation. Do I have confidence that they know what theyre doing? Day in, day out. Is LiMu emu real or CG? The Limu Emu in itself. Right, Silas. Liberty Mutual, which offers property and casualty insurance, is a major player American insurance sector. Its not even the bird-brained jingle at the end. Just like we have kangaroos eating grass on front lawns it just we dont go around shooting anything that moves. An obscene number of advertisers have been spewing diarhetic bullshit at us for decades, and awarding each other trophies for doing so. Hi, Karl. I would never get insurance from these people ever EVER IN A MILLION YEARS just for have the poor judgment, insensitivity, and low opinion of prospective clients to subject the viewing public to these ads. This isnt craft. Anonymous: given Dougs obsessive drive and work ethic youd think the writers could give him something to say other than the same, lame mindless phrase! I went on to suggest a tagline and other ideas that would fit well with the company name and Statue of Liberty logo, and offered to lend a hand when Liberty management decides to stop clowning around. Sorry my mistake. The price of insurance is already comical enough. Whos that girl? Get Netflix and Vudu and Pluto TV and some others. They are,so stupid. But next year you wont be a new customer and youll be shocked. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". I just wonder why in the new ad Mrs. Emu is wearing an ugly blonde wig. The former caters to businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees, while the latter serves businesses in specific industries or with more than 1,000 employees. Were not the ones with the low IQs. What this says about the ad world and the people who approved of these ads, I am too polite to say. No? You wont have to deal with hassles or make unnecessary phone calls with the autosuper app Because very few ad people in the industry are doing it right. Liberty Mutual has the worse commercials I have ever seen and I have seen a lot. Limu and Doug make me long for the days of those terrible Geico caveman adds. Zoltar by the Statue of Liberty is sort of OK, though. Thanks, Robert. . Youll get all of the benefits of making a thoroughcomparison. More importantly, have the ads done anything to convince you to buy your insurance from Liberty Mutual? I have never previously boycotted a company to protest its obnoxious advertising, but this campaign is just too unimaginably and excrementally unviewable. They are not. Every time I am forced to witness the idiot (Doug, I think is the blokes name) scream to another driver, I can save you!- even someone otherwise avowedly non-violent as myself feels like smacking the guy in the face. If you want to get upset about something I suggest you vent at the fossil-fuel company ads that falsely suggest they are for sustainable energy, or Koch Industries, which subsidize the Brothers efforts to do away with Medicare and other government programs on which people depend for their survival. Youre right, Andy. , Has anyone else noticed that not one person on this blog, nor any other social media sites that Ive seen, have ever said that these commercials compelled them to choose LM? Which Liberty Mutual commercials do you love, Maddy? When a Liberty commercial comes on, I have to abruptly change the channel/program or mute it and look away. Theres a fine line between effective repetition and torture. And fill out old fashioned paperwork, and sit in an old chair, and stare at old wood paneling. They already know how to do it and do it better than anyone. I hate making phone calls, and these commercials leave me no choice. Tomorrow from the musical Annie or Trelegy, as easy as 1, 2, 3. Hi, Lurch! The whole gripe here on the blog is that instead, the agency should, be different, smarter, better? and, Why not stand for something more? For gods sakes, man: its car insurance. I came by to see if there were any new comments on this post. Another big winner there.. It is not helpful for us to negatively judge each other, that is Gods place. Considering this, What kind of car do LiMu emu and Doug drive? I hate all the recent Liberty Mutual commercials. Oh, Ms. Fink: I see plenty of people searching the Internet for limo emu and Geico ostrich, but I hope those newfangled ad recall metrics are working out for you. Pay me for your next add campaign. The first branch office was opened in 1914, and later that year, the company wrote its first automobile insurance policy. Its the utter lack of any kind of unique selling proposition that makes these ads so terrible. We change the channel every time this ad is on. Drinking helps, but still not enough. Your seriously wrong. And I thought Id been noticing a lot fewer Liberty Mutual assaults on our intelligence. Humor is subjective and even the best jokes wear thin by the ten-thousandth time you see them. . Love the limo emu key to the city commercial! They attempted to certify a class-action suit, but it was dismissed on technical grounds. I thought Doug and Emu were absolutely stupid, BUT, then comes the wet teddy bear commercial now that is the stupidest commercial yet! Youre right the ads of yesteryear were often longer and full of information that provided reasons to buy. But the best car insurance commercial of all time comes from Farmers Insurance. For some reason, Libertys last two ad campaigns have really touched some nerves. Only LM has its animal character bashing its head against a window. Its just a friggin commercial people. Hands down one of the stupidest ads of all times, Yup. Radio stations that play the same music over and over again until your ears bleed. Good point, Rob. They could still produce cheap commercials with a clever/more likeable concept. I actually enjoy the adds as they are funny. actually, no, it doesnt. In the real world, David rarely stands a chance against Goliath. Tweet Liberty directly at @LibertyMutual and add a #LibertyMutual for good measure. It adds a certain 70s hurry-up quality to LiMu and Doug. Early acquisitions were small, but Liberty Mutual has made several large acquisitions over the past decade, including the high-profile acquisition of Safeco Corporation in 2008. LiMu Emu & Doug are the first official brand mascots of Liberty Mutual. Hello, James! 175 Berkeley Street Liberty Mutual needs a new marketing firm. But to me the comments mainly seemed of little value other than to vent ones dissatisfaction. And heres the Liberty Mutual rationale for this campaign: Thanks for the link, Mark. To annoy viewers beyond all comprehension? I guess they think this virus B.S. I second that! Ive actually found myself just leaving the TV off and doing some long overdue cleanup outside. I wish I could find some stats on how many people view Liberty Mutual commercials negatively or favorably, and I do plan to look into it more. customers save an annual average of over $971 on auto insurance premiums! This ad makes me want to look for a new Insurance agency. Thanks for reading, and stop back anytime! The ad agencies should be paying you for hosting this blog. Answer: The "Struggling Actor" in the Liberty Mutual commercials is portrayed by actually successful actor Tanner Novlan, who is also known for being featured in movies such as "Ice", "My Best Friend's Christmas", "Maneater" and "Flatbush Luck" as well as guest starring roles on popular TV shows . I recently had to pick a new car insurance company, and I went with Progressive just because I can stand Flo more than most. Id love to hear from them. Its another cheap audio gimmick, and its absolutely maddening. I assume these ads born out of and endless string of frustrated emails and memos at the agency over how to deal with the LiMu (LIberty MUtual) account. . Were passionate about those topics. While he's always been proud of his British citizenship, he eventually decided to get his American citizenship as well, especially since he was spending most of his time working in the United States. Rob: Having followed some of your very appropriate savaging of innumerable stupid and unfunny commercials (insulting human intelligence, and these seem to have proliferated), I must say that I do harken back to some commercals from the 1980s, or even a bit later whih actually did display both humor and intelligence. And yes, Liberty Mutual has a new round of ads out. And the one with the hot guy who cant say his lines and the irritated director has started playing before youtube videosits so annoyingshes started saying take 96 in the most annoyed voice, which make me annoyed and I get so annoyed at Liberty Mutual for making me watch 5 seconds of the stupid adI have very negative feelings toward them. Let me start by saying that I get the advertising prime directive, a corporate version of no such thing as bad publicity having watched TV ads from their truly primitive genesis in the 50s of my childhood to the manipulative psycho-scientific constructs of today. Then they change to only pay for what you need again, something that every insurance company does. What a sad state of affairs. Especially with the emergence of more and more sophisticated digital tactics designed to follow consumers and collect personal information for the purpose of selling to us at every turn. Animal liberationist rally forth! LM commercials are hideously annoying and I mute within seconds of it hitting the air! For all the money Liberty is spending to create these commercials (CGI like that aint cheap) and buy airtime, Im sure they expect them to sell. We are an industry leader in affinity partnerships, offering car and home insurance to employees and members of more than 15,000 companies, credit unions, professional associations and alumni groups. What Is Tesla Destination Charging? Check out Liberty Mutual's 30 second TV commercial, 'LiMu Emu and Doug: Car Wash' from the Auto & General industry. Kinda surprised that no one at Liberty or its agency was concerned about people making these kinds of jokes . And I also enjoy seeing how inordinately annoyed people get with these farcical ads, when there are so many flatulence, diarrhea, ED, heartburn and other truly disgusting ads out there. The result of this activity was an increase in revenue from $6 billion to over $30 billion in twelve years. Given how they jack up insurance rates at any and every opportunity- it is clear where the massive profits end up. The word Liberty repeated ad nauseum isnt a jingle its just stupid. A longer cut reveals the magnitude of his difficulties. The ads will run on a variety of national network and cable properties. 3. But the people you SHOULD be mad at are the real bigwigs: the companys marketing department and the advertising agencytheyre the ones who came up with this load of manure masquerading as a campaign! Job well done Liberty. Towards the end of the ad, theres an emu with flowing blond hair. I cant count how many times a day I am subject to being annoyed by them. And its working. Its WAY too much. By the way, I think you should sue whatever failing public education system let you graduate and burped you into the world like one of Homer Simpsons lip-rattling belches. He featured in Liberty Mutual's ad dubbed Something To Help You Remember: Nostalgia. How LOW can they GO? You know theyre paying out the nose for the emu CGI which is fine by me, because whats a better way to redeem your horrible truth teller commercials than by using an emu? Notably, he overcame a serious drug addiction to start a multi-million-dollar business in My Pillow. Liberty Mutual settled the lawsuit in December 2001, which required additional disclosure and limited certain compensation to company officers and directors. It hurts the company by failing to communicate any real, tangible reason for consumers to choose Liberty over its competitors. But the Liberty Mutual commercials the punchlines fall flat like the sound of a sad trombone. Now he's. All right, this made me laugh more than it should have. I on the other hand, like the Emu a lot. Funny story, Al: Just the other day, someone found this review by searching for info about the ostrich in the Progressive insurance commercials. Sero Vital. Theyve been doing it for decades. Heres a concept.. How about running a contest to come up with the best concept for an advertising campaign. Theyre often lame (wake me), offensive (I can save you), or boring (after all these years with the elevator flashback). I appreciate their approach (and Farmers, as you mentioned) a lot more than Liberty Mutuals me-too strategy of copying the GEICO gecko. However, they raised my rates an average of 15% over the next 4-5 years. 617-574-5874 Where did you hear that Doug (David Hoffmann) writes the LiMu Emu commercials? Now if only I could disappear from my brain, the new National Car Rental ad with Patrick Warburton (who I liked as The Tick)I get it all the time. Ugh. This ad is 10x worse. Ive been asked and would like to know, what kind of car do they drive around? The Emu is an incidental prop. (See a few posts below.). So, What lake do you want to drown in? State Farm is OK, too, with their old and new Jake from State Farm ads. Oh, Robert, you almost got me! (Ha! I am a LM employee, been with them for over 15 years. I would never even inquire about their insurance. To each his own, I guess. Sure, they are not cutting edge or empowering to this group or that group. Doug rebukes Kevin and while hes doing that, Emu lets out a tiny chirp and it just makes me laugh every time. A few new faces (and feathers) are moving into the advertising world: meet LiMu Emu and Doug, the stars ofLiberty Mutual Insurances new national advertising campaign that launches today. That doesnt inspire ANY buying. LOL! appearing in this TV commercial. Liberty Mutual is one of the 200 leading insurance companies has partnered with to bring you the widest selection of car insurance quotes youll find online. Awhile back ago, Liberty Mutual quoted me a fantastic rate on insurance for 2 vehicles, a primary residence, and a rent house. Im sure no one will ever read this but BOY, do I feel bettery, bettery, bettery!. As for Liberty Mutual's five-year-old campaign with the Statue of Liberty. Doug is so passionate that he fails to see the absurdity of all of this. I was thinking nails on the chalkboard, but that one is spot on. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Florida Caverns State Park Pictures of theCaverns, 1-800-FLOWERS Has Yo Mama Jokes for MothersDay. LiMu emuand Doug! Theres a Passport for mobile devices and the PBS app for smart TVs and boxes. They used to target responsible people (which would usually be responsible drivers). Who is the woman in the Liberty Mutual commercial? Doesnt seem to be the case. Ive been a customer of another company for the last 5 years and their rates have gone up only a few dollars a year. Imagine that? Tweet: @AskLiberty for customer service related concerns or inquiries. This is partly thanks to the quirky and fun LiMu Emu and Doug commercials, the Liberty Mutual Struggling Actor commercials, and the actors in them. I have pretty refined tastes regarding TV and movies. Bryan Howard, Jessica Reese and Paige Vehlewald were Dramaturges. Discussion boards around the web and Liberty's own social media pages are filled with people complaining about these ads. I despise LMs commercials. There is also somewhat of a continuation of the statue background. (However, I really cant stand those stupid emu commercials, either. Or maybe you like a radio ad. You have to love the way he talks to the bird with complete sincerity. Have you seen Libertys latest ads? are you listening? Meet David Hoffman, the human in Liberty Mutual's "Limu Emu & Doug" ad campaign. Contact: 1. I think theyre adorable! Exactly what I do! OMG!! In the Year of Our Lord 2020, when plagues are spreading and cities are burning, I think many of us would welcome a return to such messaging. Thanks for reading and sharing your comments! Live emus were used during the initial shoot on set. Mistakes are forgiven. Id never heard of Liberty Mutual before this campaign (there were the Truth Tellers, but theyre forgettable). Is LiMu the EMU a real bird? What happens to atoms during chemical reaction? As embarrassing as these commercials are, I cant imagine someone asking me who my insurance carrier is and having to answer with Liberty Mutual.. LATER, well after that, RELIGION got involved. According to Liberty Mutual Chief Marketing Officer Emily Fink, the hope is for LiMu Emu and Doug to be " our long-standing spokespeople. But I think its the marketing, too. They dont even use the nickname on their website. Whos going to tell a customer how much insurance they should buy? I agree with most of what you say (except I like the mayhem guy). Take actions that are out of Love. I wonder. Home. Can't stand any of them but that might be my least favorite just for the fact that you have to hear the stupid "LIBERTY LIBERTY LIIIIIBERTY" twice in like eight seconds. Youre right, theres no value in an inexpensive policy if it doesnt help you when you need it most. My favorite has our heros running through traffic to deliver their message. Heres to hoping this virus situation will dissipate soon so we can all get back to work and life as we knew it. Those commercials are, (if I may borrow a phrase from the old Perry Mason TV series) incompetent, immaterial and irrelevant. VERY annoying. There are so many stupid add out. How do I enable in-stream ads on Facebook? Oftentimes when marketers lack evidence to show that their ads are effective, they will resort to touting vanity metrics such as awareness. First, Liberty touts accident forgiveness as if its unique to them and built into their policies. Headers vs. Manifolds: Should You Upgrade Your Car Exhaust? Ive got horrible ideas for less. Also I hadnt seen the Progressive commercial with the weird guy who holds the Progressive sign. As for buying insurance, I have been in good hands since the Garden of Eden so dont feel motivated to change right now. Ive got it. If you see these commercials as many times a day as I do, then Im glad you enjoy them! And more befuddling is the source of this abysmal campaign: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. MAXIMUM ANNOYANCE: What could make the abysmal insult to the advertising profession any worse than all the worse-than-fatal flaws above, you ask? Alternately there are much less annoying ones that get the point in 30 seconds without being so grating. I noticed that too, Anonymous. . I have no intention on changing insurance nor would I base that decision off a commercial if I was. I really dont want to be getting insurance ID cards with an Emu imprinted on it. They will not learn. Who is the bad actor in the Liberty Mutual commercial? But Cookie! Do they care? They all seem to be out STUPIDING each other. Hes making decent money from the ads, no doubt! When that happens, Ive taken to literally screaming over the jingle in an effort to drown it out! Infographic : Using Cognitive Functions To Unlock the ENFP Personality Types Unique Gifts . Add your comments to the Comments box These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Now the duo is back, but in fact it's a trio because Emu is getting married! Submissions should come only from actors, their parent/legal guardian or casting agency. The new commercials were directed by Craig Gillespie, award-winning Australian feature film, television, and commercial director best known for his films Lars and the Real Girl and I, Tonya. And not just casually. Its like nails on a chalkboard every time I hear it. Wonder how long it will take LM to trash this campaigntheyve already started truncating the ads so you dont see much of the emu. Heres the thing, though. Lindell also started the Lindell Foundation, a faith-based foundation that donated goods to victims of Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and now helps people with addictions, people with cancer, and veterans. This blog is the fuxking joke. Too many negative comments from your many reader/followers? They matter here. Im kidding. But at least it explains that brain-dead, bottom-of-the-barrel Liberty Mutual jingle.. Is Linda, the bride, the same emu seen in the Liberty Mutual cookout commercial from a few years back? Dont even get me started. Every time one starts, I grab my remote to switch to another channel until the commercial with its annoying content and annoying jingle is over. Attention-getting isnt the same as effective, Anonymous. [9][10] Kelly was appointed CEO in 1998,[11] and stepped down from the Board of Directors as chairman in April, 2013.[12]. I took the time to register my opinion on their ad campaign with Mr. Greenberg (his out-of-office auto-reply stated he will return on July 13th). NOT funny) cop show plot fragments. Well, what do you know? If people cannot see the humor in this then they simply do not have a good sense of humor. (LogOut/ The emu is Liberty Mutuals attempt to copy the gecko. [4] Based in Boston, Massachusetts, and featuring the Statue of Liberty (formally Liberty Enlightening the World) on its logo, it employs over 45,000 people in more than 900 locations throughout the world. And the name of the actress present in this commercial is " Raushanah Simmons ", she is an actress and writer and best known for her movie "The Other Women" in 2014 and "Blackwell Summer Mysteries" in 2016. All your efforts thus far for nothing. They need more of those! (LogOut/ If the emu, real or computerized, would have been injured by the glass I would definitely not like it and would join any protest regarding it. Marriage started over 4,000 yrs ago. Liberty Mutuals newly expanded in-house creative agency Copper Giants will be developing the assets to amplify the campaign across social, digital and other channels. Where is the petition to sign to get rid of this garbage ad? you claim you save money work on that instead. Its an okay character. Totally agree with you about the frequency of Liberty Mutual ads. That you think so / Twitter class-action suit, but in fact it & # x27 s... Hand and then spits out his toothpick audio gimmick, and reputation are not cutting edge or to... Simply good writing versus bad writing cheap audio gimmick, and awarding each other insurance nor would I that! How many times a day I am too polite to say yesteryear often... Those terrible Geico caveman adds many times a day as I do, then Im not sure Im safe... Cookie consent to record the user consent for the LiMu Emu commercials doing great damage to its brand corporations. 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Box these cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent TV series ) incompetent immaterial... On the other hand, like the mayhem guy ) 617-574-5874 where did you that. Annual average of over $ 30 billion in twelve years lawns it makes. Importantly, have the ads, but it was dismissed on technical grounds of value... Zero reality TV, sports, superhero and/or science fiction crap add your comments to city! Ad campaigns have ruffled a lot a ride breakdown in the Liberty Mutual has the worse I... My favorite has our heros running through traffic to deliver their message channel every time this makes. Dialogue mean in the industry are doing it right inexpensive policy if it doesnt you... Making a thoroughcomparison an increase in revenue from $ 6 billion to over $ 971 on insurance... Before signing with Liberty Mutual commercials, is played by actor and comedian Hoffman...