You're not if you fail to comply with the following three clearance requirements in Sec. Sources that provide helpful information about electrical in the workplace. All splices and joints and the free ends of conductors shall be covered with an insulation equivalent to that of the conductors or with an insulating device identified for the purpose. Soldered splices shall first be so spliced or joined as to be mechanically and electrically secure without solder and then soldered. Safety of equipment shall be determined on the basis of the following considerations: Suitability for installation and use in conformity with the provisions of this subpart. Sufficient space shall be provided and maintained about electric equipment to permit ready and safe operation and maintenance of such equipment. Elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks, wheelchair lifts, and stairway chair lifts. By elevation of 8 feet (2.44 m) or more above the floor or other working surface and so installed as to exclude unqualified persons. horizontally shall be provided. According to the National Electric Code, any electrical panel with 0 to 150 volts should have 36 inches of clearance around it for both the person working on it and their tools. Low-Voltage Electrical Safety Orders (Sections 2299 - 2599) Group 2. Boxes shall be designed so that no live parts are exposed to accidental contact. Includes references that provide information related to electrical in construction including OSHA's electrical construction regulations, hazard recogition, possible solutions and additional resources. NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, Section 110.3 requires that all equipment be placed into an electrically safe work condition (ESWC) unless there is proper justification for the equipment to be energized. Assuming you meant "while energized": Insulated wire or insulated busbars operating at not over 300 volts are not considered live parts. The following requirements apply to the entrances to all buildings, rooms, or enclosures containing exposed live parts or exposed conductors operating at over 600 volts, nominal: The entrances shall be kept locked unless they are under the observation of a qualified person at all times; and. Voltage testing should follow lock out/tag out. The overcurrent protection may not exceed the ampere rating of the receptacle, except as permitted in 1910.305(j)(4) for motor loads; Where single-pole connectors are used, they shall comply with the following: Where ac single-pole portable cable connectors are used, they shall be listed and of the locking type. This letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. Rather than move the motor control center at a cost of two million dollars, can a "safe job procedure" which is audited periodically be considered an acceptable alternative or is a variance required? Electric equipment may not be used unless the following markings have been placed on the equipment: The manufacturer's name, trademark, or other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the product may be identified; and. While this is the most commonly accessed area, it is often necessary to also have space above the panel and on each side as well. Circuits supplying power to ungrounded receptacles for hand-held, cord- and plug-connected equipment shall meet the following requirements: The circuits shall be electrically isolated from any distribution system supplying areas other than the cell line working zone and shall be ungrounded; The circuits shall be supplied through isolating transformers with primaries operating at not more than 600 volts between conductors and protected with proper overcurrent protection; The secondary voltage of the isolating transformers may not exceed 300 volts between conductors; and. Footnote(2) NOTE: For SI units: one foot=0.3048 m. Elevation of unguarded live parts. Driving machines, motor-generator sets, or motion and operation controllers not within sight of the disconnecting means shall be provided with a manually operated switch installed in the control circuit to prevent starting. Parts of electric equipment which in ordinary operation produce arcs, sparks, flames, or molten metal shall be enclosed or separated and isolated from all combustible material. If there is anything that would prevent this or make it more dangerous, the chances are that you are in violation of the regulations and could get cited for it during an inspection. The marking required by paragraph (f)(5)(i) of this section shall be readily visible and shall state Caution - Series Combination System Rated __ Amperes. A disconnecting means shall be provided for each motor and controller. Where the disconnecting means is out of the line of sight from any section that may be energized, the disconnecting means shall be capable of being locked in the open position. The manufacturer's name and trademark, other marking giving voltage, current, wattage or other ratings as necessary." horizontally shall be provided. Where a pool is installed permanently at a dwelling unit, at least one 125-volt, 15- or 20-ampere receptacle on a general-purpose branch circuit shall be located a minimum of 3.05 m (10 ft) and not more than 6.08 m (20 ft) from the inside wall of the pool. Induction and dielectric heating equipment. The main disconnecting means for a center pivot irrigation machine shall be located at the point of connection of electrical power to the machine or shall be visible and not more than 15.2 m (50 ft) from the machine. All other receptacles on the property shall be located at least 3.05 m (10 ft) from the inside walls of a pool. Arc welders. We hope you find this information helpful. A readily accessible disconnecting means shall be provided by which each heating equipment can be isolated from its supply circuit. However, other equipment associated with the electrical installation and located above or below the electric equipment may extend not more than 153 mm (6 in.) Equipment installed underwater shall be identified for the purpose. Cranes and hoists. Front working space. We appreciate your interest in occupational safety and health. Clearance is the shortest distance between two conductive parts Dry arcing distance (or arc distance) On escalators and moving walks, the disconnecting means shall be installed in the space where the controller is located. Installations covered by paragraph (h) of this section shall comply with all applicable provisions of this subpart, except as follows: Disconnecting means. Where the working space required by paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section is doubled, only one entrance to the working space is required; however, the entrance shall be located so that the edge of the entrance nearest the equipment is the minimum clear distance given in Table S-1 away from such equipment. Examples of solutions include the use of insulation, guarding, grounding, electrical protective devices, and safe work practices. A means shall be provided to disconnect power to all electronic equipment in an information technology equipment room. Another nice thing about having these standardized requirements is that they apply across national boarders. The frames and enclosures of portable electric equipment used within the cell line working zone may not be grounded, unless the cell line circuit voltage does not exceed 200 volts DC or the frames are guarded. Ladder clearance Minimum clearance of 3 inches overhead and 2 inches laterally shall be provided and maintained between crane and obstructions in conformity with Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc, Specification No. Per the NEC, 30" wide by 36" front to back by 6.5' vertical clearance. OSHA Electrical Panel Clearance Requirements. To keep apprised of such developments, you can consult OSHA's website at Metal-enclosed switchgear, unit substations, transformers, pull boxes, connection boxes, and other similar associated equipment shall be marked with appropriate caution signs. Overcurrent protection of electrolytic cell dc process power circuits need not comply with the requirements of 1910.304(f); Equipment located or used within the cell line working zone or associated with the cell line dc power circuits need not comply with the provisions of 1910.304(g); and. Electrical Safety Orders. Not posting required clearances in electrical panel areas, generally falls under this type of violation. Receptacles on circuits supplied by an isolating transformer with an ungrounded secondary: May not be used in any other location in the facility. Each disconnecting means required by this subpart for motors and appliances shall be legibly marked to indicate its purpose, unless located and arranged so the purpose is evident. Entrance and access to workspace. Lighting outlets and points of control. Arcing parts. Flexible cords and cables shall be listed for extra-hard usage. General. For equipment operating at 600 volts, nominal or less to ground, electrical panels must have a minimum of three feet of clearance in front of the panel and a minimum clearance width of 2.5 feet or the width of the equipment, whichever is greater. In addition, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information. Well, the switch will require maintenance as in cleaning, lubrication, inspection. A fence may not be less than 2.13 m (7.0 ft) in height or a combination of 1.80 m (6.0 ft) or more of fence fabric and a 305-mm (1-ft) or more extension utilizing three or more strands of barbed wire or equivalent. Therapeutic pools in health care facilities are exempt from these provisions. A clearance of at least 3 feet is required for equipment using 120 to 250 volts. In electric equipment rooms, the illumination may not be controlled by automatic means only. They regulate companies to maintain safe and healthy working conditions and to provide suitable training and assistance to their employees before doing their jobs. Electrical equipment shall not be used unless the manufacturer's name, trademark, or other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the product may be identified is placed on the equipment and unless other markings are provided giving voltage, current, wattage, or other ratings as necessary. President, Safety Specialties Incorporated In order to avoid safety problems and other dangers, it is important to keep the area around these panels clear of obstructions or other obstacles. 6. ), whichever is greater. Electrical installations that are open to unqualified persons shall be made with metal-enclosed equipment or shall be enclosed in a vault or in an area, access to which is controlled by a lock. Protection shall be provided where necessary to avoid damage from condensation leaks and breaks in such foreign systems. Radiographic and fluoroscopic-type equipment shall be effectively enclosed or shall have interlocks that deenergize the equipment automatically to prevent ready access to live current-carrying parts. One of the main things that the NEC 110.26 specifies is that all electrical panels must have enough room around them that someone working on the equipment will have the room to safely access everything they need. This paragraph applies to the installation of the electrical components and accessory equipment of electrolytic cells, electrolytic cell lines, and process power supply for the production of aluminum, cadmium, chlorine, copper, fluorine, hydrogen peroxide, magnesium, sodium, sodium chlorate, and zinc. Identification of manufacturer and ratings. One of the most common questions people have when setting standards in a facility for electrical panel clearance requirements is what OSHA says. Each service, feeder, and branch circuit, at its disconnecting means or overcurrent device, shall be legibly marked to indicate its purpose, unless located and arranged so the purpose is evident. Where there is more than one driving machine in a machine room, the disconnecting means shall be numbered to correspond to the identifying number of the driving machine that they control. When the system is put back into production there is a chance of many more hazards developing that would have to be addressed. Type. A caution notice is provided adjacent to the line connectors indicating that plug connection must be in the following sequence: Ungrounded conductor connection; and indicating that disconnection is in the reverse order; and. The dimension of the working space in the direction of access to live parts that may require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while alive shall be a minimum of 762 mm (2.5 ft). This means once you understand the NEC panel clearance requirements, you will also know those that OSHA puts forth. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. Insulation integrity. Mechanical execution of work. Unguarded live parts above working space shall be maintained at elevations not less than specified in Table K-3. Access. Electrical wiring for temporary lighting, where installed inside of tents and concessions, shall be securely installed, and, where subject to physical damage, shall be provided with mechanical protection. Openings in ventilated dry-type transformers and similar openings in other equipment shall be designed so that foreign objects inserted through these openings will be deflected from energized parts. Auxiliary electric equipment, such as motors, transducers, sensors, control devices, and alarms, mounted on an electrolytic cell or other energized surface shall be connected to the premises wiring systems by any of the following means: Multiconductor hard usage or extra hard usage flexible cord; Wire or cable in suitable nonmetallic raceways or cable trays; or. The converting apparatus (including the dc line) and high-frequency electric circuits (excluding the output circuits and remote-control circuits) shall be completely contained within enclosures of noncombustible material. Taking the time to learn how to do it properly will get you the best possible results. Exposed live parts on one side and grounded parts on the other side. Motor controller enclosures for escalators or moving walks may be located in the balustrade on the side located away from the moving steps or moving treadway. (10 cm) for every 10 kV over that voltage. Electrolytic cells, cell line conductors, cell line attachments, and the wiring of auxiliary equipment and devices within the cell line working zone need not comply with the provisions of 1910.303 or 1910.304(b) and (c). Installations accessible to unqualified persons. Reply: An employer who has in his or her workplace contractors or equipment, including a motor control center which are in violation of any of the requirements under paragraphs 1910.303 through 1910.308 are subject to citation based solely on applicable electrical installation requirements. The Ontario Electrical Safety Code ( OESC) deals in detail with permanent and temporary theatrical electrical installations. Reply: Deenergizing the 110 volt control circuit in the above scenario appears to be infeasible as discussed in Note 2 following paragraph 1910.333(a)(1). If we can be of further assistance, please contact the Office of General Industry [at (202) 693-1850]. The manually operated switch shall be installed adjacent to this equipment. The NFPA is focused largely on reducing the risk of fires from occurring so that everyone can remain safe. The disconnecting means shall be within sight of the equipment served. Note that our enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. If fixed electric equipment is mounted on an energized conductive surface, it shall be bonded to that surface. The conductive surfaces of cranes and hoists that enter the cell line working zone need not be grounded. Except as required or permitted elsewhere in this subpart, live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more shall be guarded against accidental contact by cabinets or other forms of enclosures, or by any of the following means: By location in a room, vault, or similar enclosure that is accessible only to qualified persons. Means shall be provided at the operating station to open the power circuit to all motors of the crane or monorail hoist where the disconnecting means is not readily accessible from the crane or monorail hoist operating station. Wire or cable in suitable metal raceways or metal cable trays installed with insulating breaks such that they will not cause a potentially hazardous electrical condition. Walls constructed of concrete, brick, or tile are considered to be grounded surfaces. Electrical installations in a vault, room, or closet or in an area surrounded by a wall, screen, or fence, access to which is controlled by lock and key or other approved means, are considered to be accessible to qualified persons only. One last option is to put down the initial square of floor marking, but then use a floor sign that specifically says not to place anything in that area. Where there are live parts normally exposed on the front of switchboards or motor control centers, the working space in front of such equipment shall not be less than 3 feet (914 mm). The supply circuit disconnecting means is permitted as a heating equipment disconnecting means where the circuit supplies only one piece of equipment. Similarly, panels with 151-600 volts require 42 inches of clearance. They are respected around the world and many countries follow their recommendations when creating their own rules and regulations. Where rear access is required to work on de-energized parts on the back of enclosed equipment, a minimum working space of 30 inches (762 mm) horizontally shall be provided. If equipment is exposed to physical damage from vehicular traffic, guards shall be provided to prevent such damage. Electric equipment provided with ventilating openings shall be installed so that walls or other obstructions do not prevent the free circulation of air through the equipment. If sprinklers are installed in hoistways, machine rooms, or machinery spaces, the disconnecting means may automatically open the power supply to the affected elevators prior to the application of water. Open conductors are prohibited except as part of a listed assembly or festoon lighting installed in accordance with 1910.304(c). Cells used as a source of electric energy and for electroplating processes and cells used for production of hydrogen are not covered by this paragraph. Measuring off the required distance around the electrical panels and putting down floor markings will make it extremely easy to see exactly where things can and cannot be placed. Interrupting rating. Internal parts of electrical equipment, including busbars, wiring terminals, insulators, and other surfaces, may not be damaged or contaminated by foreign materials such as paint, plaster, cleaners, abrasives, or corrosive residues. Condition C - Exposed live parts on both sides of the work space (not guarded as provided in Condition A) with the operator between. A limit switch or other device shall be provided to prevent the load block from passing the safe upper limit of travel of any hoisting mechanism. Clearance. This is in response to your April 30, 1995 letter requesting interpretation of the electrical standard, 29 CFR Subpart S. Your letter, which was addressed to Mr. Joseph Pipkin, who is Director of the Office of Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering Safety Standards in the Directorate of Safety Standards Programs of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was forwarded to the Directorate of Compliance Programs for response. Where controls are enclosed in cabinets, the doors shall either open at least 90 degrees or be removable. Hoses shall be of a nonconductive material. In outdoor pool areas, lighting fixtures, lighting outlets, and ceiling-suspended (paddle) fans may not be installed over the pool or over the area extending 1.52 m (5 ft) horizontally from the inside walls of a pool unless no part of the lighting fixture of a ceiling-suspended (paddle) fan is less than 3.66 m (12 ft) above the maximum water level. In order to remain in compliance with the relevant regulations, you cannot put anything in the space around an electrical panel. Disconnecting means. 3Working space is not required in back of equipment such as dead-front switchboards or control assemblies that has no renewable or adjustable parts (such as fuses or switches) on the back and where all connections are accessible from locations other than the back. Taking the time to make sure that nothing is in these areas will help to avoid any type of penalties that may be issued if you are inspected by OSHA or other agencies. A warning sign shall be mounted on or next to the disconnecting means where multiple disconnecting means are used and parts of the controllers remain energized from a source other than the one disconnected. Additional lighting fixtures are not required where the working space is illuminated by an adjacent light source. Working with electricity can be dangerous. OSHA Requirements for Electrical Panel Floor Markings Open disconnecting devices before tagging. It designs clearance requirements that make sure employees have enough space around workplace equipment and in work and walking spaces. 1910.306 - Specific purpose equipment and installations. Induction and dielectric heating equipment shall be protected as follows: Protective cages or adequate shielding shall be used to guard work applicators other than induction heating coils. Warning labels or signs that read DANGER - HIGH VOLTAGE - KEEP OUT shall be attached to the equipment and shall be plainly visible where persons might contact energized parts when doors are opened or closed or when panels are removed from compartments containing over 250 volts ac or dc. Keep the fire inside the fireplace. Working space for equipment likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized shall comply with the following dimensions, except as required or permitted elsewhere in this subpart: The depth of the working space in the direction of access to live parts may not be less than indicated in Table S-1. Table S-1 - Minimum Depth of Clear Working Space at Electric Equipment, 600 V or Less. It shall also be protected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter installed in the branch circuit supplying the fixture. The initial electrical inspection for a . Lighting fixtures and lighting outlets installed in the area extending between 1.52 m (5 ft) and 3.05 m (10 ft) horizontally from the inside walls of a pool shall be protected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter unless installed 1.52 m (5 ft) above the maximum water level and rigidly attached to the structure adjacent to or enclosing the pool. Then soldered from these provisions clearance requirements, you can consult OSHA 's of. An ungrounded secondary: may not be controlled by automatic means only Code ( OESC ) in. Means only wheelchair lifts, and safe operation and maintenance of such developments, you can consult OSHA interpretation... Ft ) osha electrical disconnect clearance requirements the inside walls of a listed assembly or festoon lighting installed in accordance with 1910.304 c. Of equipment Ontario electrical Safety Orders ( Sections 2299 - 2599 ) Group 2 escalators, moving,! 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