First she is a PERFECT SOUL : beautiful maiden devoted to The Mother Goddess Athena, but as all incarnated soul, she got tainted in the end, mutating slowly into a monstruous creature, MEDUSA. I have my ASC conjunct at 27 Taurus and my moon opposed Algol at 26 Scorpio. And his moon conjuncts my Mars/Saturn. [3], Part of Fortune conjunct Algol:poverty. Mercury Sextile Lilith 239 62 Even then, it has to be noted that those particular persons will have difficulties and obstacles in their way, and they have to use much energy to overcome these handicaps. ive been suicidal most of my life. #4 only MC & Neptune in water, not technically a void, but Pluto in the 12thHas a secret fantasy life or a kind of double life where he/she is the good one and the bad one. Algol conjunct the ASC. This is why people in the media often have Algol featuring prominently in their chart, as it is their job to speak for a living, through whatever medium they may choose. What are the remedies for all these? 11. Governs the accumulation of wealth and storing, prisons, punishment, execution, sea walls, reservoirs, and canals. Thank you, very interesting, I have Venus and Mercury @ 27 Taurus, I definitely have a distinctive voice & was called Medusa as a child due to my crazy hair, I guess I need to remember to keep calm & not lose my head. Im super scared about the Violent death part, Mine might be creepier. The celestial granary. Medusa is not a demon, that was a deep and horrific evil corruption projected upon women in ancient times to destroy their equal status in society. You are also not afraid to say what you really think and may have some strong opinions about risky subjects that may alienate people around you. 2023 USA Horoscope Predictions Prepare for a Economic Crisis!! Mercury conj. Posts: 2087. These natives want to help, love and give all of them to others, but they also need to get . The 17th-century English astrologer William Lilly regarded any planet to be afflicted when within five degrees of conjunction. My mystical and karmic placements have a good relationship with this great star. There is not much on the web in regards to these aspects, so any insight would be much appreciated! Psychic Anthony Carr predicted a lot of chaos for the British royal family and expressed concern about Kate specifically. -_-. Aretha Franklin 024, John Wayne Gacy 114 (and Uranus), Richard Speck 145. Neptune Opposition Asc node 351 -12 But it turns out it is a binary star, eclipsing itself every . Its only with Saturns permission that we can reap rewards, even if Jupiter were in play, Saturn could block or cause frustration, especially if resisted. 14. The one glimmer of hope I had was that perhaps I would be able to make these squares work for me or that whatever lessons I am meant to learn from them will come full circle if I continue working on myself. Well, i think true and false in math is fine. Its position by longitude soon after Algol in Perseus may account for the gloomy quality, since Algol is much connotative with a violent death in mundane astrology, and that, of course, means bereavement for someone else. 96 people love it! Right and wrong, with me, like the law, were decided by human. There are just challenges. Your email address will not be published. Sun/Moon/Pluto conjunct 29 degree of Virgo. I should write an article on it, Deja. you may be as gentle as a summer wind and as soft as a cinnamon roll but when it comes to your career, you may be a dictatorand others would view you as such. It may not display this or other websites correctly. When you talk, you have a lot to say but the intensity of your words may catch other people off guard and you may provoke quite extreme reactions in the people around you. Very informative. It is said to be one of the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous stars in the heavens. Neptune in Aries! Eclipses, New, Full Moons North & South Nodes Accurately Predict the Astrology, Astrology 2022 Highlights /Predictions, Uncategorized. In astrology, Neptune is a planet that we associate with alcohol as well and is linked to blurred boundaries. Algol Star, Beta Persei [], Ascendant conjunct Algol: Honor and preferment. This is allegoric to the descent of the SOUL into MATTER. 18. moon square Lilith. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that followed killed over 200 000 people and mutated countless more. Whilst I dont have a real penchant for murder or mayhem, I am definitely a schadenfreude in that I get a perverse pleasure from others misfortunes. Yea, what may be aggressive before marriage gets abusive after. Hope you are okay. This can be a sign of mental illness. When Neptune squares Mercury, the mind may tend to mental illness as Neptune dissolves what it touches and one needs a certain degree of solidity to have good mental health. Children were separated from their parents under Obama too, because no one can tell if the people theyre with ARE their parents or if they are human smugglers/ sex traffickers. So you mean that, my Ascendant and Descendant doesnt count, only the planets do? Still not sure fully what nessus means but from what you describe, not good. Alcohol can also attack our nervous system and bring about problems with our minds, just as, in Greek mythology, Neptune attacked Medusa. It is easier than going back and forth to the article. That is split into multiple agendas and thoughts most of them setting you to suffering unless UNLESS you become PERSEUS and go inside yourself slay the inner demon. The dark side of Algol, however, can also mean an overload of information which we cant comprehend or which threatens to take over our mind. We often find Algol in the charts of people who work in the media or who are artists of some kind. hello, if i have jupiter in gemini 3 degree conjuct saturn in 25 degrees, is it jupiter conjuct algol. Moon Trine Ascendant 321 30 Mars square Jupiter. Leo rising I guess that is why I needed my own website. Midheaven conjunct Algol: Honor and preferment. The Part of Fortune in the houses shows the areas of life experience where you can find joy. Scorpio nessus in the 12th. The 1st house stellium may make the person super self centered. Awww You have some mitigating factors for a mercury/Uranus square. But I would consider Jupiter too far away to be conjunct either Algol or Saturn, by degree (8) as well as by virtue of being in a different sign (I only give multi-sign conjunctions about 3 or less for planets), and maybe 1 for a fixed star). I want to send you a big hug. Mars or Saturn conjunct Algol and Moon with Sadalmelik: Hanging or decapitation by royal command; if the Moon is with Denebola death by judicial sentence; and, if the Moon is with Alphard death by water or poison. 30. Moon conj. Jupiter was conjunct Algol. Venus has no negative aspects, Sun - no positive aspects. Wow! of course all youd see is your dreamy, sensitive side. lol xoxo. That is a good point. 12. Jupiter with many planets( such as 3 or more) making squares or oppositions to it. Oh. You wrote; People with Moon in the 8 th House are very aware of their surroundings and how their close ones feel. Every single day. and even then, you still want to serve so you gotta be careful how much you give! Moon in 12th In some countries and dialects, alcohol is also a word that means demon. It's possible that you might meet Algol's darkness through something happening to your home. Metaphysical forms of sex, such as tantra . I had to know my limits and about failure so I dont make the same fatal consequences in the future. Jupiter CONJ N node The evolution of my buddhist practice has made great strides. Your description is spot on. You are not alone there. Venus, Sun, Saturn, Pholus, Jupiter, Mercury, Dejaniera, Chiron in 1st. Im assuming this means eccentricy and being an unconditional loving mother will be a theme in my life, correct? Benedict Cumberbatch has Jupiter on Algol. Or the cold hard truth. Is Jesus your Lord and Savior? an 8th house stellium and 4th house moon 12th house mars. . Which aspects would you add here, Friend? OK thanks. There is talk about combustion between two planets what about three I have yet to find anything on this. Fixed star Algol, Beta Persei, is a 2.1 magnitude, rare triple star and eclipsing binary, located in the Medusa's Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus Constellation.The name Algol comes from the Arabic word , meaning Head of the Ogre.The English translation became Demon Star, with other names being Satan's Head, the Spectre . Squares of pivotal parts of the chart. #19 Not good at all in general, great on your own in your prison cell. They may even feel as if they have schizophrenia as they have so many different thoughts and feelings. . It is what I called the combust in my first entry. 10. . If you have an aspect of Algol with Midheaven then you will come across as rather mysterious to others. Sun merc combust. It is all about them and they are the last to know lol. My 26 degree Taurus sun is in the 8th house and that house cusp is also 26 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter Square Neptune 056 -62 #14 My Venus is in the 9th house of , & squares my Moon in the 1st house of . I respect you SO much for being this real. You really need to see how you and he go together in terms of the synastry before you judge, my Friend. Pisces is associated with addictions, negative Piscean placements get addicted to dark energies and sink so deep they dont know how to get themselves out, like someone drowning in the ocean that Neptune rules. Ever see someone just as nice and friendly and then look at their chart? It can also indicate a strong interest in sex, power, and money. His typical behaviour is that of somebody without a head on his shoulders. Im ridiculously talented with people commenting on it ALL MY LIFE, and it disgusts me because my it has been one long war. Your mom was a hard relationshiplots of drama, back and forth but close, Amiann, would there be any way you could look at my chart sometime? Im more of a doer. However, others hurt this sensitive person, as their own wounds are touched. Is an American Civil War & American Revolution Coming. In turn, you may also start to crave attention and act in negative ways in order to get it. Bouts and droughts. I do have a Trine involving Moon and Mercury and a sextile involving a Pisces Jupiter. As you would expect from the myth of Medusa, the fixed star Algol is often linked to beheadings and also associated with heads of state that may experience a fall from grace. Can I delete this last post? Pisces would be as hard or worse than Cancer *sigh*. Ive had debates before with ppl saying this isnt a hard aspect.but when it is a hard aspect, its explosive! When Im Manic, I can have grandiose thoughts and think that Im extremely profound gifted, taking too many difficult courses at one time that even the most smartest kids, teens, and adults in the world couldnt even do. I walked away even though I was in love with him just couldnt set myself up for that kind of failure. I can say what I want At any rate, something abusive such as Nessus, victimizing such as Dejanira, painful such as Chiron, limiting such as Saturn, giving betrayal such as Sedna etc etc will force the person to have a life with this theme. It helped me! I have no recollection of being sexually abused although I can remember older boys doing things to me but not in a big way. It can be out of control, and Ive read it can become violent if someone gets in the way and tries to stop or slow uranus as it runs for freedom! Aaaand theres my Aquarius Saturn squaring the lot of them. What would you say about asteroids in opposition to..lets say chiron? That is one of the benefits of aging. The 8th Bhava is the House of sudden events, surgery, accident, wealth gain, lottery, inheritance, and sudden losses. I have Algol/Medusa conjunct my Venus and Midheaven exactly. You may not reproduce, republish, perform, sell, or otherwise use any content contained within this post without express written permission. The best you can do for yourself is to do charts for free for thousands of people if you canthe more the better. Are you out there Jamie? I know that by the use of the word bad, I am going to have Astrologers coming out of the woodwork telling me that there is nothing bad. Algol sits on Donald Trumps Midheaven and is square to Mars in Leo and square to his Leo Ascendant. Capricorn Asc. I was on the receiving end of a plethora of physical, emotional and psychological abuse. People may also notice your voice, so people with this placement are known for being great singers, as you often have a deep and husky tone or a very distinctive way of speaking. I analyzed the houses, signs, planets, and aspects of the career area. There would be no way I could answer it from this list. If the dark fellow is showing toward Earths path, the destructive invisible action is exercised. Yes, about the Cappy ASC being a little old man lol. Thank YOU so much for sharing and Welcome Paige! Max, are we listening to an artists musical anthology at the point where the audience wants something else? No. I am falling for them for they sensual and ultra feminine nature, the sex is amazing. Within an orb of 5 degrees only; correct? Sun opposite mc I express them pretty well, sun and mercury, The fantasy life piece had me cracking up, Its fun fantasizing ! Deja conj the MC are you victimized by society or in your career? I love your posts; they are so informative and interesting. It takes a lot of doing charts. It can also signify sudden accidents or sudden death. How close are the Chiron oppositions? saturn square neptune Taurus on the cusp of the 7th house - Meaning and traits. 25. Please do not fret, Gloria, you were born to handle and work with those energies! These people are unable to look down to see their feet, and when under stress, are unable to bend the neck forward or in any direction. Taurus Asc. I may please add to my previous comment that my husbands natal Lilith/Nessus conjuncts Algol. Moon in virgo and go to channel Algol *. . I have mostly squares in my chart (even to my North Node and Chiron). 17. I like to think of it as her third eye. Memories of childhood are really painful. He does not like to be the aggressor in sex, either, which can be a problem for most woman, who want the man to be. Thank you. Jupiter conjunct Algol: This is the best placement for Algol. I have moon Pluto Jupiter Saturn all in 12th He brought me through a lot of things and kept me alive when others including me wanted to give up on myself. Mercury Quincunx mc But I love houses. I guess I'll have to wait and see how this pans out. Algol To see the chart as a whole is the key! The person may be very self oriented, such that others are put off and the person does not know why. Thank you so much Nicole! As well, it misses a lot of opportunities to discuss how squares and hard aspects are things you can work through to eventually get success later on, even if its not earlier in life. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. Uranus in Sagittarius at 10 34. If you have Algol in your chart what does it mean? 5. 19.Neptune Sq. Algol is the worst fixed star. It is very hard to deal with any 12th House planet, let alone 3 or more. The Lunar Eclipse on 16 May 2022 will have Sun conjunct Algol. Jupiter1210, neptune 2637 -capricorn When is this going to end? Well, one has to look at planets in the Fall, Friend. Theres a difference between optimism and being delusional. Hi! There may be a striking beard or glorious long hair. He is too close to himself, such as one house which is too close to another house. I have completely forgotten his birthday, all these years later. cool article, thanks for it. Capulus These guys make me more happy of my african ancestry, what our ancestors accomplished and overcame, and the different hair textures in our ethnicity, making us so diverse. I sincerely hope that this will teach you on what is out there and what to avoid. 23. I do not have hard aspects to my Merc but my mother was sooo hard and I feel crazy from this and so my mental health is so important to me i.e trying to feel stable. There has to be a God, but that is another story lol. THATS IT. LOL I have Mercury square Neptune (not mental ill as far as I know.but can tell for sure it blurs my hability to stay real sometimes), Sun conjunct Saturn and all my personal planets in Virgo. I think since Saturn Mars and Pluto is also in the 10th house but only Mars conjunct MC 7 deg and Saturn conjunct MC 1 deg. I am dating someone with this placement in the 8th house and it will be triggered by the Lunar Eclipse May 16th. Youre right. Capricorn ASCMay give the person a bony and kind of haunted appearance, such that the person may feel sensitive about how they look. Aries sun, moon pluto opposition, venus, mercury. Jupiter angular Mid Heaven. There is often a lot going on in your mind and this can mean that you have a very active imagination but this can even make you become delusional or paranoid at times. Put their own children at risk, thats what they chose to do Im sure the unaccompanied children are going to be killed for their adrenaline (adrenochrome) the real question is how did Joe Biden know the missing children that were separated from their parents wereGONE! ? Saturn Conj the SunDegrees matter a great deal here. I would add one more. Monica Bellucci has cap in her asc. He can change anything! Mars in Pisces, Sag Asc. The whole chart must be looked at, but for teaching purposes, one may have to generalize, but one must keep in mind it it just that. An added bonus Venus in Sagittarius. Some famous people with this placement in their charts include Mae West, Toni Morrison, Brian Wilson, Wilt Chamberlain, Albert Ayler, and Edgar P. Jacobs. My natal Moon (7th) Mars+Saturn (5th) midpoint conjuncts Algol. What about Nessus on the DC or in the 7th? I have mine at 25.53 5th in TaurusI just want to know if this is good or bad. Thanks! Neptune, trine Venus I think there are a lot of beautiful people with Capricorn asc, Megan Fox for one. Algol conjunct the ASC. God's military commander and opposite his nemesis Antares in the Scorpion. The Nessus has to be 1-3 degrees conjunct the ASC. I have #3, #5, #10, #12, #13 (I think Square Pallas, square Vesta, and semisquare Mercury), #14 (Moon square Mercury, Mercury square Ascendant, and maybe wed count Venus sesquisquare Jupiter and Venus square Saturn), #17, #18, #21 (Scorpio stellium in the 12th/1st house), #23 (Mars in Virgo), #30, #31, AND #32. Turns out, he has Mars, Uranus and Pluto in the 12th house. Someone without the combust could pull back more and assess the situation. Algol has both powers to be a demon and to protect from demons. Pluto square Ascendant. These beings should consult spiritual healers who can make life a bit more comfortable for them as it will help open up the energy at this point and balance it with the rest of the system. Mercury combust Sun Could she pass out of his life ? Good for making investments, tending to savings and banking. My Jupiter is 1 degree in Gemini, and Saturn is 27 degrees in Taurus (both in 9th house according to Placidus). 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Another Word For Housekeeping Items In Business,