Another animation shows floating objects coming together and forming the planet Jupiter. An image of a dark red planet is shown against a night sky and is labeled Sedna.. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. TIM: For example, the termination shock is a boundary area where the particles of the solar wind slow way down. TIM: They say its one of the reddest bodies in the solar system maybe even redder than Mars! Another image shows a lake surrounded by hills of trees. The animation shows objects being pulled into the center of the cloud, forming clumps. The image of the sun, the planets, and the Kuiper belt is shown. TIM: Sure. ","What is in the outer Solar System? Theres a stormy Great Dark Spot on Neptune thats kind of like the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. An animation shows Earth rotating while the moon orbits around it. The history of the solar system is long but fascinating\u2014and it probably started with a bang! Pluto has an odd orbit that sometimes brings it closer to the sun than Neptune. 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All rights reserved. TIM: That means it traps the sun's heat. Our solar system is also home to asteroids, comets, dwarf planets such as Pluto, and the distant objects of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. Its got perfect conditions for plants and animals: not too hot, not too cold. While scanning the night sky with a pair of binoculars, Tim is interrupted by Moby, giving him a letter asking if there is a 'Planet X'. "}},"relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","small_screen_compatible":"","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}}. An animation shows an icy comet speeding toward the sun. The animation shows the earlier view with the four inner planets. 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An image is shown of a gray planet, labeled Eris, against a night sky. Learn how you can get access to hundreds of topic-specific coding projects. The animation zooms in to Venus' surface. Tim is holding a star chart. Lightning from the yellow gas strikes the red, rocky ground. There are four rocky, inner planetsMercury, Venus, Earth, and Marsand four gas giants farther outJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. One shows moons circling Neptune. For all eleven planets, each ellipse lies entirely within the surrounding ellipse. TIM: First of all, anything that orbits the sun farther than the planet Neptune is called a trans- Neptunian object. An image shows a big, brown planet labeled Pluto, a smaller, purple moon labeled. An animation shows Moby looking at Tim. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. 1999-2023 BrainPOP. TIM: Right, the solar system isn't just planets and the sun there are lots of smaller bodies floating out there, too. So, get ready to blast off with Tim and Moby as they explore our galactic neighborhood! The animation zooms in on Jupiter. There are four rocky, inner planets\u2014Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars\u2014and four gas giants farther out\u2014Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. An animation shows a large grey cloud in a starry sky. In the animation, Mercury moves off and is replaced by a view of Venus. Two inserts appear and show the rocky surface. Butterflies Camouflage Classifying animals Fish Food chain Frogs Hibernation Insects Living and nonliving things Mammals Migration Forests Parts of a plant Plant . TIM: Neptune is the farthest planet in the solar system. TIM: Yeah, I guess Earth's my favorite, too. An animation shows the deep blue planet surrounded by rings. Try searching your Timeline, or return to the homepage. An animation shows a spacecraft moving away from the camera into outer space until it eventually disappears. That's why the inner planets formed mostly out of rocky material. It started out four and a half billion years ago, as a big cloud of gas and dust out in space, mostly hydrogen and helium. . The first moon landing, as far as I'm concerned, is one of the greatestmomentsin humanhistory. Asteroids are pieces of rock centimeters to hundreds of kilometers wide that wander the solar system. TIM: Mars is called the "red planet" because of its reddish surface, created by the iron in Martian rocks. Two inserts appear showing the axis of the planet perpendicular to the plane containing the ring. A diagram shows two planets and their orbits. TIM: Scientists think that comets come from far regions of the solar system, called the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. TIM: It's huge, with a mass 318 times that of Earth! TIM: Its been really hard to keep track of these guys, since the signals they emit are so weak and so far away now! TIM: The dense, carbon dioxide atmosphere on Venus traps so much heat, the surface can get up to over 450 degrees Celsius. The one on the left shows the Pioneer 10 spacecraft and the one on the right shows the Pioneer 11 spacecraft. TIM: Mars is called the "red planet" because of its reddish surface. It's tilted so that it looks like its lying on its side! Check your students' knowledge and unleash their imaginations with Creative Coding projects. From, Sam. It's way bigger than our entire planet, and it's been raging for centuries. It started out around four and a half billion years agoBack then, our solar system was just a cloud of gas and dust, probably left over from the explosion of a star. An animation shows a man, Tim, and a robot, Moby, at a campsite. An animation first shows the sun, the planets, the Kuiper belt, and the scattered disc objects. TIM: But scientists are pretty sure that both of the Voyager probes have passed the termination shock, and are closing in on the heliopause. ","What is the Sun? TIM: Sedna, another large scattered disc object, hasnt been fully categorized yet. TIM: Uranus is a gassy planet with small gray rings and more than 25 moons. TIM: Like the stuff in the Kuiper belt, objects in the Oort cloud are thought to have originated way back when the solar system was just starting up. In the animation, Venus moves out of view and is replaced by a drawing of Earth. It's so tilted that it looks like its lying on its side! Charon partially overlapping it on the left, and two small, gray moons labeled Hydra and Nix above and below it. An animation shows the four outer planets, then zooms in to show Jupiter encircled by a narrow ring. But wait, there's more! Like Uranus, it's sometimes called an ice giant because it's so cold. TIM: Farther out from the Kuiper belt is an area called the scattered disc. The animation shows Tim and Moby standing next to each other. "},"comic":{"type":"comic","instructions":"Create a comic about the solar system. BrainPOP Jr. Games. TIM: But, you know, there probably wont be any more planets found. An animation shows a cloud of dust and debris circling the sun. He then looks at the stars through his binoculars and Moby covers the binoculars with a piece of paper. TIM: By the way, Pluto isn't the only dwarf planet. The diagram expands to show a third planet and its orbit to the right of the previously shown two planets. Tim is lying on the ground in a sleeping bag partially sticking out of a camping tent. TIM: Thats where the solar wind gets stopped in its tracks by particles from the rest of outer space! An animation shows Mars, with two gray moons orbiting the planet. An animation shows the sun, then pulls back to show the eight planets orbiting around it. TIM: Plutos moons, Charon, Hydra, and Nix, are also Kuiper belt objects. Tim and Moby discuss the pros and cons. TIM: Hey Moby, I think I see aliens. For best experience, access this project full size. The arrow labeled gravity is removed and another, yellow horizontal arrow pointing from the sun extending to the middle of the scattered disc and labeled solar wind is added. In the animation, Moby falls down onto the grass with a big "Clunk!" This topic is not available for students in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade and 12th Grade. Please enable JavaScript on your browser. Others include Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, and an object named Eris, which is slightly larger than Pluto. "},"game":{"type":"game","instructions":"Code a sorting game to show what you know about the solar system. It was considered the main planet until 2006 when it got demoted to a dwarf planet. An animation keeps extending the arrow from Neptune until no planets are visible. There's quite a variety of stuff in the solar system, right? *BrainPOPs Discussion Questions and Prompts align to CCSS Speaking and Listening Standards. Text reads: Oort cloud. In the animation, Mars moves out of view. The clump of ice gets closer to the sun. TIM: Saturn is another gas giant, with more than 45 moons orbiting it. The animation pans to now show the four outer planets, located on their circular orbits. TIM: Uranus is a gassy planet with small gray rings and more than 25 moons. An animation shows the planets and their orbits in the solar system, moving away from the sun. TIM: I know, it's quite a variety of stuff in the solar system, right? Have your students signed up forindividual accounts? TIM: But Pluto wasnt massive enough to fit the estimates of Planet Xs probable size. An animation shows the gas and clumps of matter swirling around a bright sphere. (, : What can you infer about the temperature on Mars compared to Earth? That's caused by the high iron content in Martian rocks. BrainPOP recommends reading the movie description that appears on the Solar System Topic Page to your class. It likely had oceans and rivers, and its atmosphere contained more heat-trapping gases. Hearts float above Earth. All rights reserved. A curved, orange, vertical line is added along the boundary between the Kuiper belt and the scattered disc and is labeled termination shock.. An image of the Oort cloud is shown again. They formed the gas giants, like Jupiter. TIM: Ooh, I think I see Neptune! TIM: The Kuiper belt is a ring of icy debris orbiting the sun beyond Neptune. A diagram of the solar system is shown. TIM: Then there's the last one Pluto, a cold, rocky body even smaller than our own moon. It forms a distant ring around the solar system. The animation shows a drawing of the planets traveling along circles around the sun. The animation shows a close-up of the sun. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. TIM: The smaller clumps became the planets that we know about today. It became the sun, and its energy pushed away any nearby gas. ","alignment_guid":"9790C0FE-2F4E-11E9-9CAD-EBD25B5E995C","url":"\/make-a-movie\/?topic=294","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":""},{"type":"coding","feature_id":"40545","name":"Creative Coding","feature_name":"Creative coding","alignments_description":"Coding projects offered in both text- and block-based coding languages. An animation shows the pale yellow planet encircled by large rings. The biggest, Titan, is one of the only moons with a thick atmosphere. Another, similar line labeled heliopause is added to the right of the line labeled termination shock, so that the arrow labeled solar wind points right to it. TIM: So the search for Planet X was kind of pointless An animation shows the camera panning across stars in the night sky. Theres a stormy Great Dark Spot on Neptune thats kind of like the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. Only a portion of Jupiter can be seen and the other planets seem very small in comparison. As the sides are mentioned, two inserts appear. An animation shows Pluto rotating in space. When were you there? "}}},{"type":"related_reading","feature_id":"11211","name":"Related Reading","feature_name":"Related Reading","alignments_description":"High-interest, informational texts that extend understanding of a topic. TIM: I know. An image of a planet labeled Pluto is shown against a night sky. TIM: But there are tons of other objects that keep popping up in the far regions of the solar system! TIM: Earth is one of these terrestrial planets. Astronomers believe that more than 4.5 billion years ago, an exploding star created a huge cloud of gas and dust. Watch it again, this time using the discussion prompts. Solar System Discussion Prompts and Pause Points, What do you think youll learn about the solar system in this movie? ","alignment_guid":"99F75D12-2F4E-11E9-AE20-981D691FC427","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/relatedreading\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/relatedreading_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"transcript","feature_id":"31228","name":"Movie Transcript","feature_name":"Transcript","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null,"requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/transcript\/","icon":""},{"type":"worksheet","feature_id":"42914","name":"Worksheet","feature_name":"Worksheet","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D7BF1DA0-0887-11EC-81F9-E3183E819706","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/worksheet\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/worksheet_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"graphic_organizer","feature_id":"42913","name":"Graphic Organizer","feature_name":"Graphic Organizer","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D726E616-0887-11EC-B42E-954675B64796","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/graphicorganizer\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/graphicorganizer_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"vocabulary","feature_id":"42915","name":"Vocabulary","feature_name":"Vocabulary","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D85691C6-0887-11EC-819B-E899BAC46B2A","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/vocabulary\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/vocabulary_svg_icon.svg"},{"EntryID":"714","game":"true","name":"Meaning of Beep","game_name":"The Meaning of Beep: Mars","alignment_guid":"7B5AA63E-2F4E-11E9-BD13-B45103365D45","alignments_description":null,"url":"\/games\/mobmars\/","type":"meaningofbeep","icon":"\/assets\/images\/meaningofbeep_svg_icon.svg","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes"},{"EntryID":"568","game":"true","name":"Time Zone X","game_name":"Time Zone X: Solar System","alignments_description":null,"alignment_guid":"9B2B83DE-2F4E-11E9-B951-FB17784B80DE","url":"\/games\/timezonexsolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","icon":"\/assets\/images\/timezonex_svg_icon.svg","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes"},{"EntryID":"802","game":"true","name":"GameUp","url":"\/games\/game-finder\/?game_keyword=topic: Solar System&topic_id=560a9bcc6cdb2ffc","type":"generic_game","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","icon":"\/assets\/images\/gameup_svg_icon.svg","count":17}],"feature_promo":{"featured_1":{"fallback":{"title":"Make-a-Map","type":"make_a_map","url":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","image":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/275716.png"}},"featured_2":{"fallback":{"title":"Make-a-Map","type":"make_a_map","url":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","image":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/275716.png"}}},"themes":[],"alignment_guid":"953974E0-2F4E-11E9-AE07-981C785BA928"}. An animation shows light blue and white objects that resemble crumbled sheets of paper moving across a night sky. TIM: Yup, Pluto is also a Kuiper belt object. It is depicted as a blue-green sphere with a small white vertical ring. You probably know Saturn by its amazing set of rings. Tim is wearing a T-shirt with a drawing of planets in the center. TIM: It also has a permanent storm on its surface called the Great Red Spot, which is way bigger than the entire Earth! That means lots of liquid water, which all life depends on. TIM: Pressure caused by gravity ignited nuclear reactions at this biggest clump's core, setting it on fire. Moby first looks up, then blinks and looks back down. TIM: By the way, Pluto isnt the only dwarf planet. Tim: Eris is actually the largest dwarf planet in the solar system its just a bit bigger than Pluto! (, : Why might the outer planets have many more moons orbiting them than the inner planets? Two inserts appear showing two different views of the surface. Two images are displayed next to each other against a night sky. TIM: Well, not really. Different sized objects scattered around the Kuiper belt are highlighted in blue and labeled Scattered disc.. Then show the movie once through without pausing. The spiraling pattern transfixes Tim and he falls asleep as Moby looks at the night skies through the binoculars. TIM: No, you couldn't go there you'd probably either melt or freeze! In the animation, an insert compares Jupiter with some of the other planets. The four inner planets are tiny in comparison to the four outer planets. At the end of the episode, Moby says he knows what it's like out there and after questioned by Tim, hypnotizes him. Text added above the arrow reads: trans-Neptunian objects. An animation shows the planet with the questions mark disappearing. The added planet has a question mark placed in the middle of it. TIM: Comets are totally different than asteroids. Standard and Scientific Notation/Transcript. TIM: You you know what its like out there? Asteroids are pieces of rock centimeters to hundreds of kilometers wide. TIM: The Oort cloud is thought to be made of billions of small objects, mostly comets. When it gets close to the sun, the dust and ice form long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth. An animation shows the red mountain towering over the smaller Mount Everest. It then zooms out to show a big spherical object composed of light colored particles. Its atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. It makes an intermittent beeping sound that fades as the spacecraft moves farther and farther away. Pioneer 11 spacecraft history of the solar system its just a bit bigger than our planet! Outer solar system: first of all, anything that orbits the,. Exploding star created a huge cloud of dust and debris circling the sun lots of liquid water, which slightly. 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