Pray it during the day too. On the other hand, there is no mercy but ruthless severity always served out to those who refuse to fraternise, not to speak of ceaseless enmity to those who condemn and oppose. 35; xxxii. Therefore it was that, when God told them to go up, they refused and suffered the consequence of their disobedience. Many count it buried in Christ's grave, but it is not. Covenant favour would surely do as much for Israel as providence had done for Moab and Ammon! "Hearken" and "do," that ye may "live" and "possess.". Jeremiah, or any other prophet. Now a new generation was getting ready to enter the promised land. "6. This is what Moses is enforcing by every possible kind of declaration and motive; by his own example and by theirs, as well as the example of their fathers. There is the peril of religion becoming a species of enjoyment. Because they had not a particle of confidence in God. And be. The fixed use of the name Horeb to designate the mountain group in general, instead of the special name Sinai, which is given to the particular mountain upon which the law was given, is in keeping with the rhetorical style of the book. There is a third feast, that of tabernacles. And there in the wilderness he speaks of the Lord your God. saying, ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: or near it; for hither they came on the first day of the third month from their departure out of Egypt, and they did not remove from thence until the twentieth day of the second month in the second year, Exodus 19:1 so that they were here a year wanting ten days; in which space of time the law was given them, the tabernacle and all things appertaining to it were made by them, rulers both ecclesiastical and civil were appointed over them, and they were numbered and marshalled in order under four standards, and so ready to march; and all this being done, they must stay no longer, but set forward for the land of Canaan. And so they departed from Horeb. When Peter and John came to the Samaritans, and found that they were, 'And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain; 18. And it is obvious, beloved friends, obedience depends on this that we really do what God commands us now that we are doing what is suitable to our present position and state. In the first section, i.-iv. Psalm 42 It reinforces his earlier exhortations in Deuteronomy 7:12-15 and 28:2-12. God would "give his angels charge concerning him;" and what a fine proof it would be that He was the true Messiah, if He threw Himself down from such a height, and withal the angels preserved Him! If the rigidly literal meaning of the phrase 'God spake these words' is not adhered to in the case of the one record, it need not in the case of the other. Now therefore, hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you. It seems probable to us that the record in Exodus is the more exact. He begins his narrative with their removal from Mount Sinai (Deuteronomy 1:6; Deuteronomy 1:6), and relates here, 1. And I spake unto you at that time, saying, I am not able to bear you myself alone: Jehovah your God hath multiplied you, and, behold, ye are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude.'' He and other sacred authors are to be regarded as nothing more than representatives of the intelligence of their age in relation to the Deity. Man must not presume to choose. Thus: God is that one spiritual and infinitely perfect essence, whose being is of himself eternally (Deut. Your fruit baskets and breadboards. Temple Cleansed. 2. So this fact also is used. Such then is the early and remarkably striking introduction to the book. Yet he discourses not to them concerning military affairs, the arts and stratagems of war, but concerning their duty to God; for, if they kept themselves in his fear and favour, he would secure to them the conquest of the land: their religion would be their best policy. Yet it would be hazardous to assert that it is the exact original. Let's turn to Deuteronomy. The children of Moab had had their wars. I said, "Hey, you shut up and get out of here. Accordingly the majority of expositors take the record in Exodus for the exact one, supposing that, as Moses was speaking to the people in the latter case, he recited from memory, not from the tables of stone, and therefore there is some variation of terms. These seven canons were next expanded by R. Ishmael (in the first century) into thirteen, by the analysis of one of them (the 5th) into six, and the addition of this sound exegetical rule, that where two Alfred EdersheimThe Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, The Blessing of Jacob Upon Judah. Thus, for the renewal of the covenant described in Deuteronomy, the prologue recalls not only the covenants history, but also the ability of the Lord of the covenant to fulfill his promise. Or, if the cognate clause used in both books, 'that God wrote them on two tables of stone,' be not literally pressed in one case, there is no necessity for doing so in the other. They must learn not to seek what God would not give them. If we have," &c. In the same sceptical spirit follows Dr. Colenso. He was a descendant of Aaron, and belonged to one of the wealthiest and most influential families among the Jewish merchant-princes of Egypt. We have the consecration of the people to God. Monday, April 4, a.d. 5, 6; 1 Tim. It is not therefore a question of how far the offerings, etc. May we not forget it ourselves! It was to be a real fealty: it was not merely a dogma pure and simple, but to be known as a fact. "Hear, O Israel." Whatever we are called out for is what Satan endeavours to destroy. 30.) For instance, it is not everybody that is called to serve God in a public way; nor is everyone called to take a particular step or course which might involve him in trouble and persecution. May I learn the lessons You desire to teach me so that I may mature in the faith by trusting Your Word and obeying Your commands. Ver. What better blessing after all can be on earth, except Christ Himself, if indeed it be not a part of Christ, than that life of Christ which walks in obedience? You may not enter into the best that God has. The references to "the river Euphrates" (Deuteronomy 1:7) and "the stars of heaven for multitude" (Deuteronomy 1:10) hark back to Gods promises to Abraham. 2. I can't stand that. We now begin to understand a little of the very beginning of God's Book--of the times in which it was written, the materials used by its first author, and the different kinds of writing from which he had to choose; but we must go a step farther. (Gen. Xlix. "Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon." And he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me.". But the tone, mind, and heart of Moses are nowhere more characteristically apparent than in these his last words to the people of Jehovah whom he loved. And Israel bow to the will of their God. Others might be optional, but these feasts were obligatory. Sihon rushed on them to his own ruin; and only so did Israel smite and dispossess the king of Heshbon. Jehovah went along with them; and of course the faithful turned back just as much as the unfaithful. 11-52. Verse Deuteronomy 6:5. More than that, it was the cause of Moses not being allowed. But also it would appear that the deepest wisdom lay in citing from that book, as well as its most applicable words. To hear someone, you know, making all these accusations against God, horrible things, it's tragic. This he had fully shown in the history. Even before the law from Abraham's days there certainly was no injunction more solemn or more obligatory than the circumcision of every male child; yet we are assured that no male was circumcised during Israel's wandering for forty years through the wilderness. "4. My Father, I ask that You grant me prosperity in all my endeavours. For the LORD your God which goes before you, shall fight for you, according to all that he did in Egypt before your eyes; And yet you went in this thing you did not believe the LORD your God ( Deuteronomy 1:29-32 ). Praying through Deuteronomy 6:7 . That it is said of both, " God spake all these words." It is remarkable that, even though in this connection Moses gives them what are called the ten commandments, there is nevertheless an express and manifest difference in the form as compared with Exodus; so little is Deuteronomy a mere rehearsal of the earlier books. God Himself did not disclose Himself by an external creature-shape. Moses began his recital of Israels history at Horeb (Sinai) because this is where Yahweh adopted the nation by making the Mosaic Covenant with her. But in Deuteronomy the point is to centralize them all around Jehovah Himself. Hence the story of the Amorites, as we saw, is given. It was simply a question of subjection to God and obeying Him, who had from the first a plan for the nations round Israel as their centre. How good is the Lord! 94.]. The Promised Land into which God was bringing them is typical to the glorious life and victory in the spirit. I`m blessed into my down sitting and I`m blessed into my uprising! Thither God brought them to humble them, and by the terrors of the law to prepare them for the land of promise. When God commands us to go forward in our Christian course he sets the heavenly Canaan before us for our encouragement. They were to be guided simply not by what Jehovah had done in providence by Ammon, Moab, or Esau, but by His will as to themselves. This is the point here, and thus we see the connection with all that has gone before. It was not in His mind to offer men His law or the sword. (October, a.d. There is no better evidence and earnest of God's favour than his putting his law in our hearts, Psalms 147:19; Psalms 147:20. The Israelites realized nothing of the kind. Go in" and the key is of course "to possess the land which the Lord has sworn to your fathers. The Church, as one with Christ, shares in his kingdom, and shall yet inherit the whole earth. But the cry must come, "Who shall deliver me?" There may be lands where everything morally is at the lowest point, and where therefore a wrong is less severely estimated than elsewhere. Surely this is highly significant. And when they had situations that were too difficult for them to handle, that Moses would handle those cases. And here the people were making this blasphemous accusation; "because God hates us, he brought us out here". Praying through Deuteronomy 31:6. . But God is very careful, in the face of the passover, that there should not be a forgetfulness of that escape which brought them out together then. God always holds to His own principles, and He teaches us to respect them in others. What God had done in the past, he could continue to do in the future. Now, there is the coming out of the old life, being delivered from the old life, and this new relationship that we experience with God, learning to walk by faith, as we are setting aside the things of the flesh life and are beginning this new walk in the spirit. It is well to remark here that verse 24 is exactly parallel with verse 13; that it is not Moses in verse 13, but Jehovah who commands to "rise up," etc., in both; and that verses 10-12 are a parenthesis of instructive past history for moral profit like verses 20-23. Whereas, even in God's dealings with a nation after the flesh (and such is the truth as to Israel here), there was an admirable check on man and witness of divine government, though the law made nothing perfect. It is a reiteration really of the law of God. It reminds them of his gracious acts on their behalf and calls from them a fitting response of covenant loyalty. So they began the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, which Moses begins to rehearse for them in chapter two. "Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons.". 41-43--here irrelevant (cf. He quotes accordinglyPsalms 91:1-16; Psalms 91:1-16, intimating to Jesus that, if He were the Son of God, all He had to do was to throw Himself from the pinnacle of the temple; and all must endorse His claims. *Because this is such a beautiful prayer to pray for your immediate family, the people of God, or to bless others as well as yourself, I have used the plural "we/us" but you can also use the singular "I/me" while praying! His death to the law is not therefore to weaken the authority of the law, but because of the principles of divine grace which are now brought out in Christ risen from the dead, founded on His death, manifested in His resurrection, and maintained by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. If God had held to the terms of that covenant, never could the people have found their way into Canaan; but God was pleased to bring in fresh terms by a way which will be shown before we have done with this sketch of Deuteronomy; and it was simply and solely because of those fresh terms of mercy which God Himself brought in of His own grace that Israel entered there. "The people is greater and taller than we; the cities are great and walled up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there. No matter what it may cost, he assumes that he will at once go through with the will of the Lord. This men forget. "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.". That is the point to do God's will. And as for the children of Ammon, they too had passed through similar experience. 4; Eph. Posted 11:47 pm by & filed under can you fly with pericarditis. I know God will do it; I do not require to put Him to the proof. ^b 12 And ^a 18 Now ^b on the morrow [on the Monday following the triumphal entry], ^a in the morning ^b when they were come out from Bethany, ^a as he returned to the city [Jerusalem], he hungered. God's solution is death to the flesh, crucified with Christ. A lion's whelp is Judah; from the prey, my son, thou goest up; he stoopeth down, he coucheth as a lion, and as a full-grown lion, who shall rouse him up? *Dr. Davidson (Introd. 5; John iv. Times we know when the sense of what we have been, of what we are, and of God's putting all our evil away for ever by the death of His own Son, is too deep for joy if not for tears. Was there any reason in this why the children of Israel should have wars with them now? The LORD our God spake unto you in Horeb, saying, You have dwelt long enough in this mount: Turn, and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites, [and so forth] and take the land that I have promised. But the second feast brings out joy in a very distinct and delightful manner. And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad; and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in strong holds; 20. Rekam, and that Double. But nobody knows about the sabbath-day unless Jehovah command it. Which the Holy Scripture called "The hill-country of Judah," Joshua 21:11; Luke 1:39. This was the substantial meaning of the tithes and other requisitions (ver. - J.O. With this then most fittingly He begins. When things aren't going right, I hear people sometimes make very foolish charges against God. What did it matter about all others? II. They had had many a sight of their own hearts, and they had had ample experience of God's ways in patient and gracious government. And yet the inability to bring the flesh into conformity with the spirit of God. 11). May the Lord give us hearts to rejoice in all His, grace and truth and glory! These bear chiefly the character of logical deductions, and as such were largely applied in the Halakhah. Jehovah gave them no such license as the right to slay, burn, or plunder others as they liked. And I feel that the analogies that are to be made are that of the Christian walk and life and experience. Thus we come to what might be called the direct charges, having done with all the introductory part. Rekam, and that Double. Redemption accomplished; Christ the head of the church above; the Holy Ghost sent down here below; and all this borne witness to in the worship and in the ways of Christians and the church. THE CHURCH'S DANGER - to abide at the mount, to settle down into a state of apathy or simple receptivity. It was not yet Christ manifested, but man under trial of the law and its ordinances and restraints, dealt with as living in the world, and instructed in view of this present life. When Peter and John came to the Samaritans, and found that they were John MacNeilThe Spirit-Filled Life, Afraid of Giants'And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain; 18. But it was not a question here of truth or its forms, but of obedience: this is ever in view. (Ad. Deuteronomy 4:1. 4; Isa. Need one point out how suited all this is for the last words of one who was just about to depart? To get from the Red Sea into the Promised Land, it was necessary to go through the wilderness, an eleven-day journey, but most of the wilderness experience was illegitimate.Now I feel that the history is a typical history, that there are spiritual analogies to be made to the children of Israel coming out of Egypt passing through the wilderness into the Promised Land. Setting up other gods in the wilderness. Known thoroughly, in all its parts, peoples, districts, conformation, accessibilities, and inaccessibilities. It is not the death of Christ with all its solemn, however blessed, issues. Then I said unto you, Dread not, neither be afraid of them. Now wherein lay this fitness not only in the words that were cited, but in the particular book from which they were extracted? 7-9). The first chapter takes cognizance of themselves; the second chapter puts them to the test in the presence of other people. (f) In the second year and second month, Nu 10:11. And be Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy Scripture, Philo of Alexandria, the Rabbis, and the Gospels - the Final Development of Hellenism in Its Relation to Rabbinism and the Gospel According to St. John. And he comes to help me and do for me what I can't do for myself. Thus does dying Jacob, in announcing. It is founded on the life of Christ in resurrection, when the Holy Ghost brings us into the power of enjoyment. This then is the crucial test, so to speak, which Moses applies throughout; this is the homily; for indeed Deuteronomy we may call a book of divine homilies in this respect. Occasionally in Deuteronomy he supplemented what he had written earlier with other explanatory material. He said, "How can I myself alone bear your cumbrance or your burdens or your strife? Consequently it is not an isolated fact that they wished spies, or that Jehovah acceded to their desire to have them (this we have already seen), but here "Ye came near unto me every one of you, and said, We will send men before us, and they shall search us out the land, and bring us word again by what way we must go up, and into what cities we shall come." This he tried to conceal from One, all whose ways were obedience, venturing to insinuate what a noble demonstration of His Messiahship it would be. The type was the land of Canaan; the antitype, so far as it lies in time, is the world, which it is the Church's calling to conquer for Christ, and for her own possession. Deuteronomy 1:6. A Summons To Advance . 4; iv. "Reckon ye your old man to be dead with Christ. If it is a question of access to God in His sanctuary, priests are definitely brought out, and the proper book for this is Leviticus; but there is a larger truth than this that God has a people whom He puts in a place of consecration to Himself. What a guard this was against the misuse of outward forms! However, this was not the promised Land. 2. - 1 Timothy 2:3-5. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. It is the king's mountain." So it is that the New Testament gives us the failure of the apostle Peter, not merely at the beginning but in the very midst of his career. But Israel is called to action. But the same duty abides for them. ", Next, he presses their singular privilege in His presence with them. It was God who made the family rejoice, and they were to go out to those that were strangers to it. Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz. 5-8; 1 Cor. "Thou shalt observe the feast of tabernacles seven days, after that thou hast gathered in thy corn and thy wine." Was anything like this the rule where man even took up the Bible for his own ends? Such conversion does not suit God, who must have His own. Now he dwells chiefly on their part in the matter, confessing his own inability to cope with their great increase, which ho touchingly entreats God to swell a thousand times, but withal urges on the rulers to judge righteously. Who shall deliver me from this bondage to my flesh?" At the same time we are told how the tribe of Levi was separated, after having brought in (in an episodical way) an allusion to Aaron's death. Then follows the appointment, iv. Now, the cry almost indicated the answer itself; "Who shall deliver me?" Prayer Point #1: Pray for a Great Awakening and for Salvations. II. I have no hesitation in subscribing the opinion that our Lord Jesus chose them not only because they were in themselves exactly such as met and confronted Satan's temptations perfectly, but because there was a moral suitability in the fact that they were the words addressed to the people when ruin had already come in when nothing but the grace of God was afresh appealing to them before they were brought into the holy land. "The Deuteronomist, writing at a later period of the same arrangement [the mission of the spies in Numbers], represents the people proposing the measure to Moses, who on consideration resolved to execute it, because it approved itself to his heart and conscience: 'Ye came near unto me every one of you, and said, We will send men before us, and they shall search us out the land; and the saying pleased me well: and I took twelve men of you, one of a tribe.' It is most instructive to note how exceedingly anxious the early Christians were, that, as soon as a man was converted, he should be "filled with the Holy Ghost." And he started complaining so much about God I grabbed hold of him. Consequently we have these three feasts, which set forth particularly Jehovah providing to fill the heart of His people with peace and joy to overflowing, Yet at the first of these feasts Israel were not told to rejoice. The offspring of your herds and flocks. "The good that I would I do not. And though he recounts the forty years from Egypt to coming into the land, yet we are told that these things came in the eleventh month in the first day of the fortieth year. As we saw, is given the substantial meaning of the Lord give us hearts to rejoice in all solemn! Less severely estimated than elsewhere you fly with pericarditis that Moses would handle those cases )! Character of logical deductions, and by the terrors of the Lord, your! 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