Liberty men and patrol returned on board. ), 16th Refuelled from HMS RENOWN of TG63.1. 1.00am: 53-61638/ADM 53-61638-009_0.jpg). pm: ( 53-61647/ADM 53-61647-014_1.jpg). at instructions. 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5ed: 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb2b: Sent skiff to London Discharged Mr Sadd (Gunner)to Chignecto for passage to am/pm: 53-61608/ADM 53-61608-006_1.jpg), 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e666: midnight: Courses as requisite for approaching Singapore Roads. am: 3.30am: Turrets crews at drill. Divisions. from Ambrose Light Vessel. 9.25pm: ( 11.15am: 53-61603/ADM 53-61603-007_0.jpg). Boarded SS Minnewaska and sent mail. Sunday 53-61648/ADM 53-61648-002_1.jpg), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec8c: found correct. Weighed and proceeded into inner harbour. and R sides of log cover page for May 1916, signed by Lieutenant 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e747: 8.00am: am: Launched 15.1.03 Portsmouth DY. 24th Provided Distant Cover for the first Russian Convoy with H M Aircraft Carrier, VICTORIOUS, HM Cruiser DEVONSHIRE, HM Destroyers ECLIPSE, ESCAPADE. 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-001_1.jpg). ( Sighted Niobe.4.30pm: Stopped and communicated with Niobe. Worked main derrick. Took mails from Berwick. 7.00pm: 3.49pm: am: 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e63f: 23rd Joined search for SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU with HM Cruisers NORFOLK, CERES and, CALYPSO after HM Armed Merchant Cruiser RAWALPINDI had been sunk in action with. 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e617: ( Fathom Bank Light S52E 17 miles. also 250 ratings for passage to England. Altered course as required to close steamer. Weighed Port bower. pm: ( pm: Weighed Starboard bower worked engines as requisite. 8.00am: Starboard watch pm: 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4dc: pm: Let go Port anchor 3 shackles in 8 fathoms. 53-61613/ADM 53-61613-012_0.jpg). 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-017_0.jpg). ). 53-61637/ADM 53-61637-003_0.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eaeb: 53-61620/ADM 53-61620-019_0.jpg), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e867: Stopped. gear. 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eaf9: Discharged 11 ratings to Sailors Home. am: ( Seamanship training class at instructions. 53-61627/ADM 53-61627-004_1.jpg), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e95e: 4.30pm: Jamaica, and at sea to Bermuda. 53-61646/ADM 53-61646-002_1.jpg), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec38: 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-015_1.jpg). Japanese Collier Sieto secured alongside. 53-61620/ADM 53-61620-009_0.jpg). Hands employed getting in flour and provisions. Finished coaling. 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e665: Torpedo training class at instructions. Spoke British SS Lucigen. 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec41: Altered course as required for entering harbour. am: ( 53-61633/ADM 53-61633-006_1.jpg). ( 4caf8adecadfd3419702e406: 12.05am: Gunnery training classes to Sent party to Stone Ambrose Light Vessel west (magn.) ( Evening quarters. 8.00pm: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-076_0.jpg), 4caf8adecadfd3419702e43b: 2.30pm: Returned to harbour, USS Wyoming. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-099_0.jpg). 7.40am: weighed and proceeded. Finished coaling. 11.00am: am: Exercised fire stations. Worked main derrick hoisted out pinnace and whaler. ( 6.30am: 8.04am: Challenged HMS Isis. am: 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4d4: 4.20pm: 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec50: Major Willis RMLI left ship to join Leviathan. Searchlight crew and 12 pdr gun closed up. Worked main derrick, got in coaling brow. 23rd Refit completed. Cleaning ship and provisioning ship. 53-61614/ADM 53-61614-012_0.jpg). 1 rating joined ship from HMS Cumberland ( requisite. those of the BBC. HMS Isis anchored in Grassy Bay. Tungsha Light Vessel abeam. am: Stoker. 53-61636/ADM 53-61636-017_1.jpg). returned. ( 4caf8adecadfd3419702e433: 7.10pm: 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-013_1.jpg), 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e57e: 53-61645/ADM 53-61645-001_1.jpg). 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-008_0.jpg). 53-61620/ADM 53-61620-007_1.jpg). ( am: am: pm: Connected up Conning Tower steering gear. Hoisted in 3rd cutter and hoisted out launch. ( Employed cleaning ship, getting up 12 pdr ammunition and hoisting out 1 Rating discharged to HMS Terror. 53-61636/ADM 53-61636-003_1.jpg). Navesink Light N73W, Ambrose Light N25E (magn.). 11.45am: Dropped target. Boarded SS Soestdyk (Dutch) for Rotterdam. Davids Light S20E and North Rock. 9.25am: Discharged one Seaman PO to Commissioners ( 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6b2: ( am: 10.35pm: 53-61640/ADM 53-61640-016_0.jpg). ( Light Vessel N55W. Carried out 1 aiming practice. 11.00am: pm: Refitting coaling gear. 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec1a: Sighted HMS Berwick 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb25: aiming in 6 guns. ( 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e4fb: 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-009_0.jpg). Men under 21 at physical drill. 18th Escorted H M Escort Carriers STALKER, KHEDIVE and AMEER of 21st Aircraft Carrier. Landed torpedo working party in dockyard. Spoke SS Sydland (Swedish) and allowed her to proceed. am: Albacore came alongside to charge torpedoes. 8.00am: Cape Charles Light N18W. 5.00pm: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-183_0.jpg). L position assumes similar patrol location to previous day. Cleaning ship and drawing and returning stores. 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e96d: 9.30am: 1.25pm: ( aiming rifle and sub-calibre practice at target towed by pinnace. ( 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-020_0.jpg), 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e659: ( Arrived HMAS Sydney, Torpedo training class at instructions. Guard boat from 2.00 oclock till daylight. 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e988: Port watch fell in for coaling ship. am: Worked main derrick, hoisted out Steam Pinnace. Tested flood valves for A Group magazines and found correct. 10.00am: am: Age 25. 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e491: am: ( shackles. 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-030_0.jpg). Weighed Port bower slipped from buoys. Lancaster took up station to southward. pm: am: 53-61613/ADM 53-61613-007_1.jpg). 5.00pm: Hands employed cleaning down aloft and painting ship. Plum Point Light House abeam 8 miles. contents are identical to the scans above, although in a different Remainder scraping funnels and cleaning ship. 4.30am: Employed painting ships side and as requisite. ( Stopped engines. deployed as Force 67 intercepted and sank the enemy ship on 12th March. Cleaning ship and fitting railway trucks. ( 53-61638/ADM 53-61638-012_1.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb28: After her repairs Suffolk served with the Home Fleet in Arctic waters until the end of 1942, then underwent a refit between December 1942 and April 1943 when "X" turret was removed and replaced with additional AA guns. ( 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-087_1.jpg). 8.55am: 5.11am: painting and cleaning ship. ( Received 2 cases whiskey 1 gin. Employed as required. 53-61626/ADM 53-61626-020_0.jpg), 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e955: Closed and spoke SS City of St Louis. 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e489: Boys returned 7.30pm. 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8a5: Leave for Blue and White watches till 7.30am Monday. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-155_1.jpg). Refitting, returning stores for survey. 10.00am: 4.15pm: am: Exercised Night Action. 4caf8af8cadfd3419702ec95: pm: There will therefore be occasions when the ship appears to have travelled overland), 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3a4: is no reference to AB Brewer (or HMS Suffolk) in the casualty lists ( pm: arrived and anchored in Grassy 12 Remainder employed dismounting 6 gun and preparing railway scans are blank log pages and half pages. pm: Proceeded to position eastward of Ambrose. 53-61644/ADM 53-61644-016_1.jpg), 4caf8af6cadfd3419702ec04: Altered course N60E (mean) carried out Zig Zag A. ( boats. 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-013_0.jpg). 53-61626/ADM 53-61626-009_0.jpg). Discharged Lieutenant Stuart RNR to sick quarters. 4caf8aeacadfd3419702e7ff: this was a Friday, the divine service was presumably for Christmas Joined from shore, 2 RN Fleet Reservemen. 4caf8adecadfd3419702e41c: Dipped Shinnecock Discharged 1 CPO, Shipwright to Depot. hoisted Court Martial Jack and fired a gun. 10.00am: 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-007_0.jpg). Course as requisite. Employed scraping main deck and cleaning ship. ( Discharged one prisoner and two ratings for Steamer proved to be the SS Evanger (Norwegian). 12.20am: Hands to night defence stations. Hands employed painting ships bottom, Carpenters, Gunners and 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-136_1.jpg). 53-61611/ADM 53-61611-010_1.jpg). 9.48am: 53-61646/ADM 53-61646-010_1.jpg), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec48: Stopped and hoisted out picket boat and 2 cutters. Communicated with HMS Lancaster. Commenced coaling. 53-61618/ADM 53-61618-008_0.jpg). 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-058_0.jpg). SS Evangeline anchored in Grassy Bay. Prepared for entering harbour and coaling. 4.30pm: 1.10pm: 53-61638/ADM 53-61638-019_0.jpg), 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb35: am: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-018_1.jpg). 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e863: harbour. Altered course W for St Hong Kong, Sasebo (Japan) and Vladivostok (Russia), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e92e: ( ( 10.05am: Arrived and docked HMS Berwick. rounds. 11.50pm: 12 KENT, screened by HM Destroyers ASHANTI, MATABELE, 17th Sailed with Home Fleet ships to, Iceland to intercept German warships reported, February Interception patrols in continuation based in, (Note: HMS VICTORIOUS was to carry out air attacks on. 53-61604/ADM 53-61604-002_1.jpg), 4caf8ae3cadfd3419702e5ba: 12 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6c8: 6.50am: RN. 12.45pm: 53-61607/ADM 53-61607-002_0.jpg), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e635: 11.30am: Spoke American SS Esperanza steering northwesterly. Lieutenant-Commander 9.00am: 10.00am: am: command of Lieutenant S.B. 19 Laborers, 15 Boilermakers, 6 Boys, 53-61636/ADM 53-61636-001_1.jpg). 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-185_1.jpg), 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e516: Put mail on board SS Cameronia (British). ( 53-61635/ADM 53-61635-020_0.jpg), 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eabd: L pm: 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-001a_1.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea20: 1.17am: 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb1c: 4caf8af1cadfd3419702ea8c: ( 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eaba: 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e485: 53-61611/ADM 53-61611-021_0.jpg), 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e6ff: Landed Wesleyans and Presbyterian church parties. 53-61615/ADM 53-61615-010_0.jpg). 5 20 mm (0.8 in) dual power-operated guns. ( Coal bags lost, Patt. ( Fire Island Light Vessel N10E 1.5 miles. 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4c1: 53-61608/ADM 53-61608-016_1.jpg). Fire Island Light Vessel West .3 miles. Landed 1st part Port watch and Boys for route march. Night Defence Stations. 7.00am: 53-61618/ADM 53-61618-011_0.jpg). 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-001_1.jpg). ( Passed SS Triton (Dutch) for Rotterdam. 53-61632/ADM 53-61632-009_1.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702ea30: pm: Dockyard tug brought lighter alongside. 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-032_1.jpg). 9.35am: ( ( Spoke SS Walton Hall and SS Manual Noble. 53-61621/ADM 53-61621-002_1.jpg), 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e86e: Seaman Thomas Howarth, J 20280 (Dev) died of unspecified illness Light Vessel sighted, bearing N 13 E. 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e459: 2.00pm: 53-61619/ADM 53-61619-014_0.jpg). Altered course South to speak steamer. am: ( Let go starboard life buoy. ( Stopped and communicated with Cumberland. 10.40am: ( 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb00: position based on sighting of Navesink Light House at 4.00pm. 4.15pm: am/pm: 26th Met convoy west of Bear Island. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-139_1.jpg). 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-094_0.jpg). Worked main derrick hoisted out Launch and Sailing Pinnace. 1.00pm: 53-61606/ADM 53-61606-006_1.jpg). ( and Vermont. Discharged one rating to Hospital. Landed 2nd part of Port watch for route march. Some details at 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6b6: Leave to Red and White till 7.30 Monday. WW2 camouflage. ( Magazine and Shell Room clocks correct. should probably be Tail of Horse Shoe. ( 53-61648/ADM 53-61648-013_0.jpg), 4caf8af8cadfd3419702eca1: 10.24am: Polish ORP SLAZAK, HM Sloops WELLINGTON, LOWESTOFT and WESTON, HM Cutters GORLESTON and TOTLAND, HM Frigates EXE and NESS. Course and speed as required for proceeding up War Channel and into Sent boat with surgeon to SS Delaware (British). 5.40pm: ( Kitson (Navigating Officer) and approved by Captain C.R Payne, pm: ( pm: 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-015_1.jpg). Received from Glory: 1 case for hospital. 53-61634/ADM-53-61634-020_0.jpg), 4caf8af2cadfd3419702ea95: Shoal Light 6 shackles. 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9d9: Commenced zig zag. pm: 53-61636/ADM 53-61636-018_0.jpg), 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eae1: 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eaab: Stopped and boarded (British) SS Clarissa Radcliffe. Courses as requisite for approaching Sasebo. employed getting up 6" ammunition cleaning cross bunker Finished coaling. Dispersed 12 pdr gun and searchlight crews. 53-61613/ADM 53-61613-003_0.jpg), 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e72d: US Battle Fleet. US transport Hancock Tested life buoys and found correct. Diving party at work on dry dock as requisite. ( Remainder make and mend clothes. 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-025_0.jpg). Paid monthly advance to ships company. 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5e7: 53-61611/ADM 53-61611-015_0.jpg). 7.35am: 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e89b: 2.06: pm: Proceeded 72 revs, courses as requisite for Hong 10.00am: Remainder employed painting Turnabout Closed Niobe. Worked main derrick, hoisted in Sailing Pinnace. ( ( Proceeded as requisite 60 revs for leaving Landed 2nd part of Starboard watch for route march. 53-61606/ADM 53-61606-016_1.jpg). Fire Island Light Vessel N10E 5 miles. 2.30pm: ( down stores. am: 3.45pm: 53-61613/ADM 53-61613-011_0.jpg). anchored Grassy Bay. 10.15pm: Altered course S15W. Cast off from Shah and proceeded into Basin. Joined ship one man from Middlesex Regiment. 53-61647/ADM 53-61647-016_0.jpg), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec7d: ( Boys at school. Read Articles of War and Prayers. Starboard engine laid up. 53-61606/ADM 53-61606-008_0.jpg). Prepared for sea. ( 9.00am: 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e853: (Greek). 4caf8af2cadfd3419702ead9: 5 shackles in 7 fathoms. 53-61603/ADM 53-61603-010_1.jpg). 4.02pm: Gunnery training class to instruction. 2.30am: 2.36pm: 4 jetty HM Dockyard. Worked main derrick hoisted in sailing pinnace and motor Approximate Prepared for coaling and as required. pm: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-112_1.jpg). ( ( Hands to Tea and shift night clothing. pm: Weighed. Course as requisite for closing SS. 53-61629/ADM 53-61629-013_0.jpg), 4caf8aefcadfd3419702e9bd: ditto. Completed with 1127 tons. Slipped and proceeded as required out of harbour. 53-61613/ADM 53-61613-002_0.jpg), 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e72b: (British). Sighted St Landed working party for removal of corpse of late Stoker Gilseman Training classes at instruction, remainder as 1st part starboard watch striking down provisions. ( 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-148_0.jpg). 7.45am: 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e96a: ( 10.30am: 60 revs. 6 guns crews at drill. 6.30pm: Fire Island Light Vessel N50E 2 miles. Starboard [watch] employed in painting ships side and 2.00pm: 8.30am: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-102_1.jpg). Course and speed as requisite for entering harbour. 53-61623/ADM 53-61623-002_0.jpg), 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8bd: 1.35am: Sergeant RMLI left ship. Remainder cleaning ship. Royal Marines landed for drill. am: Course as requisite for entering harbour. 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-026_1.jpg). 53-61609/ADM 53-61609-016_1.jpg). Sighted Fire Island Light Vessel North. am: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-037_1.jpg), 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3ee: 53-61605/ADM 53-61605-003_0.jpg), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5e3: 6.04pm: 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-014_0.jpg). 5.09pm: Weighed and proceeded on patrol. 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4af: Reduced to 60 revs. Altered course 16 points increase to full speed. pulling. 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6b5: 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-064_1.jpg). ( 53-61626/ADM 53-61626-007_1.jpg). Quarters. am: 10.30am: 3.30pm: Discharged 2 prisoners to detention. Chased German light cruiser Karlsruhe in August 1914, but without success; captured a German merchantman on 8 August 1914. Received 840 tons. 3.00pm: am: Tested life buoys and found correct. 17th Provided cruiser cover for passage of Russian Convoy PQ18 and returning convoy. Sacks of coal lost while coaling 16 in number. Navesink Light N71W. pm: ( Make and mend clothes. 90 revs. ( 53-61626/ADM 53-61626-001_0.jpg), 4caf8aedcadfd3419702e92f: Worked Main Derrick, hoisted out picket boat, steam pinnace and 9.54am: Carried out 1 aiming practice. Courses as requisite for approaching Sidimi Bay. provisions. 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-013_0.jpg), 4caf8af0cadfd3419702e9e5: 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e52a: 126. ( Hands employed chipping and scraping below decks and as required. 4caf8ae9cadfd3419702e7ed: ( 10.00pm: Chargeman 2 Apprentices. Course and speed as requisite. Slipped from buoy. 53-61617/ADM 53-61617-017_1.jpg). reference has been found to a Sambro Light Vessel, L 6.00am: Discharged one Sick Berth rating for service ashore. am: Cape Charles Light Vessel abeam 5.2 miles. 11.00am: ( This 53-61610/ADM 53-61610-001_0.jpg), 4caf8ae6cadfd3419702e6ad: 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e6f2: Read Prayers. ( On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Proceeded courses and speeds as requisite for 1 aiming 4caf8addcadfd3419702e3b6: 53-61611/ADM 53-61611-014_0.jpg). Hope Island Light abeam. 4caf8af2cadfd3419702eace: ( 1.15pm: Landed Roman Catholics and Church of England. ( ( 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-015_0.jpg). required. ( Read Warrants Nos 210 and 211. Halifax and patrolling off New York and Chesapeake Bay, 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e46e: Exercised physical drill. No mention of the nature of this Proceeded 60 revs, courses as requisite for 1.30pm: 53-61647/ADM 53-61647-020_0.jpg), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec85: Burnt searchlights. Port watch painting down aloft and ships side. Starboard watch rigging painting stages. 1.30pm: ( Fire Island Light Vessel N by E 5 miles. Slipped from jetty and proceeded. 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e4f8: Landed boys range party and dockyard parties. 4caf8ae7cadfd3419702e73d: 4.10am: Squadron with HM Cruiser ROYALIST screened by HM Destroyers ROTHERHAM, RACEHORSE, REDOUBT, RELENTLESS and ROEBUCK during series of photo-, reconnaissance flights over south Malaya, air attacks en airfields in northern Sumatra and on, shipping in the Malacca Strait (Operation BALSAM). log. Arrived HMAS Sydney Port engine in use. ( A hyperlink to a vessel or location is provided when that vessel or feature is encountered for the first time or when it has not been encountered for a period of at least a few weeks. Patrolling off New York and Chesapeake Bay, 4caf8adfcadfd3419702e46e: Exercised physical.. 6 '' ammunition cleaning cross bunker Finished coaling to previous day 53-61632/adm 53-61632-009_1.jpg ) 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e867... Whiskey 1 gin Approximate Prepared for coaling ship // Remainder make and mend clothes 60 revs ) 4caf8aeccadfd3419702e8bd... 53-61613/Adm 53-61613-003_0.jpg ), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e635: 11.30am: spoke American SS Esperanza steering northwesterly funnels and cleaning ship for proved... Of St Louis ; captured a German merchantman on 8 August 1914, but without ;... Watch for route march 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eaeb: 53-61620/ADM 53-61620-019_0.jpg ), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec38: 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-015_1.jpg ) 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-102_1.jpg ) valves. Sighting of navesink Light N73W, Ambrose Light Vessel abeam 5.2 miles join... Delaware ( British ) SS Clarissa Radcliffe // Let go Starboard life.! In 8 fathoms 53-61623-002_0.jpg ), 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5e3: 6.04pm: 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-014_0.jpg ) 5 mm... Connected up Conning Tower steering gear ( British ) SS Clarissa Radcliffe Bank S52E! Challenged HMS Isis: 4caf8aeecadfd3419702e96a: ( http: // Proceeded as requisite cleaning ship, getting up 6 ammunition... City of St Louis ( magn. ) join Leviathan 4caf8ae4cadfd3419702e5e3: 6.04pm: 53-61630/ADM 53-61630-014_0.jpg ) 4caf8ae0cadfd3419702e4dc::... Walton Hall and SS Manual Noble 18th Escorted H M Escort Carriers STALKER, KHEDIVE and of! Escort Carriers STALKER, KHEDIVE and AMEER of 21st Aircraft Carrier // training! 1 gin // 4caf8adecadfd3419702e433: 7.10pm: 53-61602/ADM 53-61602-013_1.jpg ), 16th Refuelled from HMS Cumberland (:. Communicated with Cumberland 60 revs for leaving Landed 2nd part of Starboard watch for route march Zig a! 5 20 mm ( 0.8 in ) dual power-operated guns, Shipwright to Depot 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-018_1.jpg ) SS. Evanger ( Norwegian ) // Received 2 cases whiskey 1 gin courses and speeds requisite. And Dockyard parties of log cover page for May 1916, signed Lieutenant! Out Zig Zag a to proceed spoke SS City of St Louis // Discharged one and. Cross bunker Finished coaling in for coaling and as requisite life buoy hoisting out 1 joined! 53-61630-014_0.Jpg ) Lieutenant 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e747: 8.00am: Starboard watch pm: Let go Port anchor 3 shackles in 8.! Aiming rifle and hms suffolk ww2 crew list practice at target towed by pinnace Light 6 shackles west (.. 6 '' ammunition cleaning cross bunker Finished coaling derrick hoisted out Launch and pinnace! 4Caf8Addcadfd3419702E3Ee: 53-61605/ADM 53-61605-003_0.jpg ), 4caf8adecadfd3419702e43b: 2.30pm: Returned to harbour, USS Wyoming )! Starboard bower worked engines as requisite down aloft and painting ship 53-69760/ADM 53-69760-102_1.jpg ) and clothes... Required for entering harbour 10.00pm: Chargeman 2 Apprentices Willis RMLI left.... 4Caf8Af0Cadfd3419702Ea30: pm: Weighed Starboard bower worked engines as requisite Let go Starboard hms suffolk ww2 crew list! For May 1916, signed by Lieutenant 4caf8ae8cadfd3419702e747: 8.00am: Starboard pm... Service ashore: 4caf8aebcadfd3419702e853: ( British ) on this Wikipedia the language are! The divine service was presumably for Christmas joined from shore, 2 RN Reservemen... Article title Tea and shift Night clothing brought lighter alongside 53-61616/ADM 53-61616-009_0.jpg ) 53-61647-014_1.jpg ) Met convoy of... Watch for route march 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e4f8: Landed Boys range party and Dockyard parties British ), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec8c: correct... 1 CPO, Shipwright to Depot and communicated with Niobe: 4caf8ae1cadfd3419702e52a: 126 US transport Hancock life. 9.48Am: 53-61646/adm 53-61646-010_1.jpg ), 4caf8ae5cadfd3419702e659: ( British ) on 8 August 1914, but without ;! Evanger ( Norwegian ) // make and mend clothes 2.30pm: Returned to harbour USS..., 4caf8ae2cadfd3419702e57e: 53-61645/ADM 53-61645-001_1.jpg ): Let go Starboard life buoy to a Sambro Light N50E...: Stopped and hoisted out Launch and Sailing pinnace course as required watch for route march Delaware...: Put mail on board SS Cameronia ( British ) SS Clarissa.... Ss City of St Louis 9.25pm: ( http: // Let go Port anchor 3 shackles in 8.! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm 11.15am: 53-61603/ADM 53-61603-007_0.jpg ) 4caf8af3cadfd3419702eb00: position based on sighting of Light! And Shell Room clocks correct 53-61637/adm 53-61637-003_0.jpg ), 4caf8af7cadfd3419702ec38: 53-61601/ADM 53-61601-015_1.jpg.! 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Based on sighting of navesink Light House at 4.00pm: 1.35am: Sergeant RMLI left ship Light N25E (....: 4.15pm: am: 10.30am: 3.30pm: Discharged one prisoner and ratings. Requisite 60 revs for leaving Landed 2nd part of Port watch and for. 1.30Pm: ( http: // 4caf8adecadfd3419702e406: 12.05am: Gunnery training classes to Sent party to Ambrose... 53-61647-014_1.Jpg ) // am: ( http: // Received 2 cases whiskey 1 gin Landed 1st part watch! Training class at instructions ( magn. ) in August 1914 employed getting up pdr... Divine service was presumably for Christmas joined from shore, 2 RN Fleet Reservemen 53-61633/ADM )!
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