What animal would you use to describe your ideal spouse in bed? Name something prisoners do to pass the time. Name a treat people love to eat at carnivals. We asked 100 married menTell me something your wife might do that you'd better notice. What is the first word a pirate's parrot might say? If vampires had a sweet tooth, name a specific candy they might chip a fang on. Name a country that used to have a lot of colonies. Name something you would find at a hospital. Name something you might see at a yard sale. Name a piece of furniture that is often made from wood. Name something you might forget to turn off. Name something a cowboy might race if he lost his horse. Name something you associate with country music. Give me a word someone might associate with christmas. Name a place where you might lose your keys. Name an animal that a christmas tree ornament might be modeled after. Name the most fought over monopoly property or playing piece. Name a fruit you don't need to peel to eat. Name something you might pour gravy on during thanksgiving dinner. Name a country that is known for surfing. Name something you might pack for both the beach and school. Name a word you might use to describe how you feel after thanksgiving dinner. Name something that might happen on a first date that would rule out a second. Name something a villain might ask their minions to steal. Name the animal that people are most excited to see on an african safari. Name a place you might go when you need peace and quiet. Name something siblings might be forced to share. Name a hair color only a supervillain could pull off. Name a magazine that usually has a photo of someone famous on the cover. Master the questions and take all the coins for yourself!FAST MONEY ROUND Prefer playing Fast Money Rounds? Name something a wife might get her husband for father's day. If you were a wasp, name someone you would want to sting. Name a type of movie that men enjoy watching more than women do. Besides swimming, name something it might still be too cold to do, even though it is spring. Name something you would not wear to a funeral. Name a historical figure associated with the american revolution. Name somewhere you would move to when you retire. Name a place where people often forget to apply sunblock. Name someone you would not want showing up at your home unexpectedly. Name something dirty that ends up under a teenager's bed. Name a furry creature that would not make a good pet. We asked 100 people: name something you might pick off the ground. Tell me something people do to be romantic on Valentine's Day. What do you call someone who scares easily? Name a way people listened to music before iPods. Tell me something you associate with Ancient Egypt. Name something new york city claims to have the very best of. Name a us city or start that has seen better days. Tell me something that might give you a headache. Name a habit that people try to break for their significant others. Name a movie you might watch on Valentine's Day. Name something that a cowboy might have worn. Name something you would expect to find in ancient Egypt. Where might a secret admirer leave a gift for their crush? "Name something you hope has been built to last. Name something you buy that you expect to last several years. Name something you wouldn't want to catch your parents doing. Name something students use for school projects that can be found in a craft store. Name an over the top way a supervillain might address the public. Name someone you might be surprised to receive a christmas gift from. To die by your side, well, the . Name an animal that is referenced in christmas carols. Name something you would not want to happen to you on the way to a date. Name something kids are always complaining about. Name the worst thing about riding the bus. Name a way the Easter bunny might get into your house. #6: Campbells: Run light/STOP sign (#3- 7), drink (BA- 3), smoke doobie, text, U-TURN Name an event a giant hero could attend without attracting attention. Name something you might find if you could follow a rabbit down its hole. Name something a ghost might be attracted to. Name something that takes up too much of your time. Name something pirates might eat when they run out of food. Name something you did every day in kindergarten that you wish you could do every day now. Tell me something you might do at a concert. Tell me something you would NOT like to get as an anniversary gift from your spouse. Tell me something you try to fix yourself, rather than having a professional fix it for you. What is something parents talk about together while their kids play? Name something a leprechaun might do if a child grabbed his coat tails. Name something you wish people would do more often. Tell me a type of business that usually has an ATM inside. Name something you don't need to be smart to win. People are into collecting comics now, they aren't into collecting stamps. Name something that might be faster than santas sleigh. Name an animal that appears in a lot of fairy tales. Name a reason why a superhero party wouldn't be very fun. Give me a word that rhymes with "buckle.". Besides your house, name something you hope never becomes haunted. Name a profession that traditionally has more men than women. Name something you might see in a movie theater. Name a sport where one bad player can drag down the whole team. Whether she needs it or not, what will a woman buy just because it's half off? Name something you might pack on an arctic expedition. Name something a pirate might replace their peg leg with if it got lost. Name a type of gift certificate mom might enjoy. Name something a skier might wear when they hit the slopes. Name a reason why you might not bring a child to a st. patrick's day parade. #6: Stuerkes: Woman, envelopes (#5- 9), lips (BA- 2), (school) bully, stamps (#3- 11) & popsicles (10)- SWEEP. LEVEL UP Win matches to gain experience points. Name a food that is too heavy for summer days. Name a reason you might marry someone you don't really love. Tell me a sport that you dont have to be tall to play. Name something you see in the lobby of most office buildings. Name something you take with you wherever you go. We asked 100 people: name a famous canadian. Name something two people on a date might share. Finish the sentence: "every parents wants to be there for their baby's first _____.". Name something you might throw out when you get divorced. Name something you might see people doing in shoe commercials. We asked 100 single womenName something that's easier to catch than catching a man. Name a way people might keep the dog from bothering them during Easter dinner. Tell me something you would expect to see a farmer wear. Name a us state that is known for its agriculture. Name a word that might be used to describe a baby animal. Name a household appliance that can get hot. What is an animal you might see while camping in the woods? Name a place where a kid might think a monster is hiding. Name a place where you shouldn't try flirting with someone. Name something in your house that makes a lot of noise. Name someone you tip around the holidays. Name something or someone that has fangs. Name something that is an oldie but goodie. Name a place you would not want to be on christmas. Name something kids believe in that adults don't. Name a city where people show off their bodies. Name a piece of sporting equipment that might go on sale in spring. #7: Name a country that movie villains often come from. Name something you do not learn at school. Name something people do when they are nervous. Name a reason why a college student might miss a morning class. Name something that might melt a leprechaun's heart and cause him to give away his gold. Durham Regional Police said that on Tuesday at around 3:51 a.m., . Name something you might drink with breakfast. Name something that parents warn their kids about on halloween. Name something that might have marshmallows in it. Name something that usually gets broken during a fight between superheroes. Name a gift that a guest might bring to dinner. Police said the car crashed into the home on Parkview Hill Crescent in the city's East York neighbourhood at around 3:30 a.m.Officers said they arrested a 16-year-old boy in connection with the . Name a place in your house that is small enough to hide a leprechaun. Most first-time homebuyers put down 10% - 20% for a loan-to-value ratio of 80% - 90%. Name something parents do when their kids are away at summer camp. Name something inappropriate for a wedding speech. Name a newborn animal that would still be too big for you to hold. We asked 100 people: name a popular hot beverage. Name an occasion when people go out to eat. Name something a kid might practice kissing on. Name a holiday destination that you need to take a plane or boat to reach from the u.s. Name the country with the best summer weather. Name a baby animal that a farmer might have to help deliver. Name something kids might throw at each other. Name something sweet that might be served on the 4th of july. Name something that might set off a metal detector in an airport. If ghosts exist, name something else supernatural that might also exist. Contact | About | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions, Presented by Family Feud Questions and Answers. Name a quality needed to be a supervillains minion. Where would you go if you had the power to teleport? Name a gift mentioned in the song "12 days of christmas". Name a famous Mary. Name a specific sound in nature that many people like. For instance, if you're up all night to cram for a test, the results are rarely even good on said test anyways, ultimately making the whole experience not even worth it. Name something you would not want the Easter Bunny to leave in your house. Name something a student might do to pass a test. Name something you might see people wearing at a christmas party. In high school, name something that happened to you physically when you saw your crush. If you had to spend christmas in a foreign city, which city would you choose? Name a type of bird that is also a sports team mascot. We asked 100 womenFill in the blank: I did everything for my guy and I never got a ________. Name a chore someone might do for their dad on father's day. Besides an x, name something that might be drawn on a pirates treasure map. Name a sport that involves a lot of jumping. Name something you've eaten too much of in your life. Name something a smoothie might be flavored with. Name something that might get broken while you are busy bustin' ghosts. Name something a leprechaun might use to shine their shoes. Name something that siblings might have to share. Name an animal that is born with its eyes closed. Name something people do in church when they are not paying attention. Name a specific article of clothing that might be christmas themed. Name a quality you find desirable in people. This condition is somewhat met with crypto. Name something you think of when you think of China. Name something you might find outside of your house the morning after halloween. If you had the power to read minds, who would you use it on? Name a place where you would not want to get a flat tire. The fact that it happens to a lot of people does not make it normal. Name a city that has hosted the winter olympic games. Name an event that is often held as a fundraiser. Name something you might see at a frat party. Name a fruit or vegetable you might see at a barbecue. Name something you would hate to happen at a bbq. Tell me a reason why you might not go out. Before the euro, name any european currency. Name something you think of when you think of Russia. Name a reason you might give your waiter a good tip. Name something you would not want to see your babysitter do while on the job. Name something a zombie might complain about. Name something you love to smell in the morning. Name a time or event when you should not joke around. Name something that travels at high speed. Name a job you should avoid if you are afraid of public speaking. Deputy Dan Whittington was responding to another . Open the Employee Center, left-click each employee until Quickbooks freezes to identify which employee (s) cause the issue. Name something parents get for their kids to help them with school. Name something you might see on a teacher's desk. Name a habit that you probably won't continue once you are a ghost. Name a beloved cartoon character from your childhood. Name something besides money that might be part of a dowry. Name something a student might use when writing a research paper. Name something that a pirate would not want their parrot to do. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Name a type of business that deals with money. Name a chain restaurant that serves coffee you do not want to drink. Name something you might dress your pet up as. Besides a calculator, name something a student might need while doing math homework. Name something you associate with volcanoes. Name a reason why it would be fun to live in a big city. Name something a pirate miss after retiring. Name an american city that has seen better days. What is something people miss about winter, once it is over? Name something the dog doesn't want to see on your bed. Name something that you don't want front row seats for. Name a body part you might want to be muscular in time for summer. Name a situation where it is ok to take off your wedding ring. Name a place people work that starts with the letter "B". Name something that you might put cream on or in. Name something people put in their front yard. Name something a man pretends to like when he wants to impress a crush. Name a seasoning other than salt or pepper. Name a piece of equipment that students might play with in a science lab. Name something that a superhero would tell you to stay away from. Name a machine that people use at the gym. Name something you might give to trick or treaters, if you run out of candy. So wild, one poll found that most buyers admitted to bidding on homes they'd never seen in person. Their idea of buying in a crash is overly-optimistic at best. Name something people put on top of their cars. Name a celebrity who is a bad role model. Give me a word someone might associate with halloween. Name something that you think superheroes do too often. Name something ghosts might do to try and scare you out of your house. Name a fruit that does not grow on a tree. Open the Settings page from Chrome's menu and click Add new user under Users. Name something that might happen on a first date which would rule out a second date. Name a wild animal you would like as a pet. Name something you might find in the trunk of the car. Name a place you might see pumpkins around halloween. Name something americans do that is patriotic. Name a word that most people yell at their dogs. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Name an illness that kids fake to get out of going to school. Name something pirates look cool wearing, but you would not. Name a shape that cookie-cutters come in. What might a child do if they saw the Easter bunny? Besides paper, name something a pirate might draw a map on. Name a prop someone might carry on halloween. Name a famous woman from american history. Name something a diver might find on the ocean floor. Name a historical figure you might dress up as for halloween. Fill in the blank: If you're too picky, you'll never find the right ________. Name a costume lots of kids wear on Halloween. Name something a pirate might steal from a mermaid. Name a section you might find in a bookstore. Name a famous character who has an alter ego. What might you do over the long weekend if you do not celebrate Easter? Name a reason a parent might have to send their kids to bed early. Name something you might wish you had less of, when it comes time for Spring cleaning. If men had a tail like dogs do, what might they see that would cause it to start wagging? Name something that might be given to kids at a 4th of july party. Name something you might stop believing in as you get older. Give me a woman's name that is 4 letters long. Unsaid #1s: Raising kids & harp, Your email address will not be published. Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "H". Name a company that might sponsor a father's day parade. Name something you associate with Canada. Name something your spouse might do that ticks you off. Name something that makes a person's nose run. Name a place where you might keep a lucky four-leaf clover. Name something people in the military wear. Name something you would NOT borrow from a friend. What is a word you would expect to see written on a candy heart? Name a reason why a pirate might want to retire. Name a girl's name that is also the name of a flower. At what time on Easter does the average kid take their first bite of chocolate? & tell mate (3)-CS How many days do thanksgiving leftovers last? Name a type of professional that students would be excited to hear speak at career day. Name an animal you might see if you visited the rain forest. Name something that most pirates are good at. Oen Evan Nicholson, 30, faces multiple counts of first-degree murder, attempted murder and other charges after an outburst of violence in the small coastal city of North Bend, said Coos County. Name a way people pass time at the airport. Besides passing the collection plate, what is something churches do to raise money? Name something a pirate might use rope for. Besides a canoe, name something people pack for a canoe trip. Name a superhero or villain who is also a scientist. Name something you should not wear while riding a motorcycle. Name one person you would take with you to a desert island. Name a reason why a student might stay late after school. Name something a house guest might ask for in the morning. Name something that people think is lucky. Name a specific item that students use in shop class. Name a clothing store that you would be embarrassed to see your parent shopping at. Name something a child touches that an adult would not. Name something a couple might receive as a wedding present. Name something you associate with sunflowers. Name something that needs to be washed more often in the summer. Name a food or drink that parents worry about letting kids have in the car. Name something people associate with leprechauns. We asked 100 people: name a vampire who doesn't like feeding on human blood. Name a career that might prepare you to fight a zombie horde. Name a food or beverage that is used as a jelly bean flavor. Past or present, name something that soldiers have rode into battle on. Name something a couple might do to move their relationship to the next level. Name someone who is impervious to bullets. Name something parents do for their children when they are babies, but not when they are teenagers. Name something a superhero might receive from a fan. Name a halloween movie the whole family can enjoy. Name something that gets hidden before guests arrive for thanksgiving. Besides love, what is in the air at springtime? Name a way people spend their weekend after thanksgiving is over. Name something a retired stripper might say she misses most about her job. How many people do you think the average person dates before finding the one? Tell me something you eat every day but know you shouldn't. Name a country you could visit if you wanted to see ancient ruins. Name something politicians do to get votes. Name a job that involves a lot of driving. Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "S". Name a job an elf might have at the north pole. Name something a house guest might ask for before going to bed. Name something you see signs for along the highway. Name a place kids might go if they skipped school. Name something a magician might tap with his magic wand. Name a reason pirates might abandon their ship. Name something kids use to make Easter decorations. Name a sport that might be difficult to play in jeans. Name a profession that requires a lot of traveling. Name a city that has hosted the summer olympic games. Name an autographed item a son might get for his father. Name an actor you might see at the circus. Besides chickens, what else hatches from eggs? Past or present, name a host of a daytime talk show. Name something people have a hard time holding onto. Name something you could do for exercise. Name something a rich person might have named after him. Name a problem that you think st. patrick would be able to solve. Tell me something you wish you could do over again. Name a role a child might have in a christmas nativity play. Name something you see people do on the subway. Name something a kid might miss while they are at summer camp. Hope is doing something. Name a school sport that involves a lot of running. Name something a kid does when they are pretending to be their mom. Name an Olympic sport that is played in a pool. Published: Nov. 12, 2022 at 11:27 AM PST ZACHARY, La. Name something you might do to a fish after catching it. By what age would the average person like to find true love? Name a prop that might be used to scare people on halloween. Name something the pilgrims needed to found plymouth rock. Tell me something that is always in poor taste to brag about. #3: Something that might make you itch. Past or present, tell me a blonde who really proves that blondes have more fun. Name something you could bring to work that your coworkers would appreciate. Name something of a superheros that might wear out quickly. Name something adults tell kids to eat so they grow up big and strong. Name something you get on valentine's day. Name an occupation that requires a steady hand. Name something people clean around, but not behind or under. Name an animal you would not like to be compared to. Name a food that starts with the letter 'D'. Besides treasure, name something a pirate might be searching for. Name a band from the 60's that is still popular today. This can be difficult, since drivers who can't afford insurance don't always have the assets to compensate for the damage. Name something a captain might have that his crew does not. #2: On the scale, how sexys your walk? Name something people suffering from colds always seem to be doing. Name a reason your flight might be cancelled. Name something you do on your way to work. Name a place to avoid, if you do not want to be reminding of valentine's day. Name something grandmothers knit or sew for babies. Name something an adult might save their money to buy. Before going to church, name something parents make their kids do. Name something you might take mountain climbing. Name a celebrity you wish you could have dinner with. Name something parents might offer their child in exchange for Easter candy. Name an animal you might make a pinata of. Name something you normally see in action movies. Name a color of jelly bean that no one seems to want to eat. Name something a pirate might use as a pillow. Name a fruit that would be hard to juggle. Name a celebrity who is popular on twitter. TRIPLE: Name something kids line up for in school: #1: Lunch/snack (78)(Jerrika) Name a type of gift that a man might need help picking out for his wife. Name something people might take bird watching. What might a kid get in their Easter basket if they were not allowed to eat candy? At what age do kids lose interest in hunting Easter eggs? He wants to impress a crush a role a child grabbed his coat tails a supervillain pull... Famous canadian celebrity who is also the name of a flower so wild one. Plymouth rock, how sexys your walk think a monster is hiding and Conditions, Presented by Family questions... Child in exchange for Easter name something you hope never crashes into your home to get out of food 'd ' bed early more.. Often made from wood people go out to eat at carnivals eat when they hit slopes... 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