Throw Snap N Pops onto the bat-shaped pinata to break it, once its contents spilled onto the floor collect it to obtain the Goblet of Po'Zur artifact and Smokey Eyes costume item. Vampires has taken Mysterion's (Kenny McCormick) sister Karen into custody by dragging her to Casa Bonita. Play any game you like until the amount of 10 arcade tickets is reached, then exchange them at the arcade counter for the relic. Press the corresponding buttons just like the regular toilet mini-game, once successful, the image "Deuce Rider" will be displayed. If you do not wish to be spoiled, do not read it. Punch the mailbox to open it and he will take a Selfie with you. Inside the bank, she is the clerk. Buy the condom from Unplanned Parenthood and give it to him, Equip 4 different powers from 4 different classes, Have a Brutalist sub-class. You need to pull the ladder out of the closet to reach the machine and then punch it for the Ice. You can find these two outside Kevin Stoleys house building a snowman. This will result in the beam falling flat below, where you can cross to the other end, collecting the Resonator of Souls artifactfrom a guitar case along the way. Steve Purse leaning on on bench leg (right side of room). Thanks for that mate, I must have been wearing a black hairstyle at the time. Make your way down, you can proceed to interact with the Broflovski family, seen having their meals, Human Kite, in his alter-ego Kyle Broflovski will interact with you first, Human Kite from an Alternate Universe will also follow suit. Use the propane tank here and push it towards the Vamp Kids before hitting it with a Snack N Pop and then tossing a fart at it to detonate it. The Human Kite To access it, activate Timefart Pause, then drag the TNT barrel past the small fire. You need the firecracker ability first. If you want to get a selfie with grandpa Marsh, you will need to find condoms. At the start of the battle, Mike will take Karen with him and heads inside the door next to the waterfall; the Vampires will then advance towards you. Inside Tweek Bros. Coffee Shop. The better you do in these games earns you more tickets. Must have an assassin sub-class. Despite having not much difference which comes first, it's better heading to the left dining area first as it'll be the nearest. After defeating Chiquita, we can loot the area. Michael, Firkle, Henrietta & Pete Thelman After leaving the bathroom, head downwards and loot the bag underneath the table to obtain a Maximum Revive Serum. He will then proclaim that the New Kid is in the "Water Level" right now. Mysterion then exclaims that he is right all along, but Master Vampire Adams had one last trick up his sleeve: summoning a portal to bring a celebrity guest to the party, ostensibly Corey Haim, but it was revealed to be none other than a famed 80's popstar. Sorry to hear that. Outside Butters House. Simon After the Mayor follows you, you can Selfie with both of her assistants. Have a Cyborg sub-class. Calvin (Buy the Sombrero Bear for 15 Tickets and give it to him). Clyde, Call Girl, Scott Malkinson & Craig This time round, the telegraphed attack area is more of a set corner-like shape, as he'll blow his torch in a diagonal motion. Keep heading left, you will then reach an area where some items can be collected. The next day I returned to Mr Mackey and I could take a Selfie. Approach him to initiate a cut scene, where he'll explain that he's inside Casa Bonita to investigate an infestation of Vampires, however he was thrown into the 'jail' by one of the Vampires. You need to get to the 0.1% tier on the Economic mini-game in the bank after day 4. Inside the South Park Senior Center, Mr Adams As he prepares his telegraphed attack again, more Vampires will be summoned (all in the form of Vampire Swarmers), take them down as they can be rather deadly. Make your way left, breaking the vases blocking your way. This list includes all 8 sections as seen in the Costumes app, which consists of: Note: Missable Costumes are highlighted in bold. Equip a psychic power then talk to him. South Park Fractured But Whole Selfie Locations & Requirements Goth kids selfies (Michael, Firkle, Henrietta, Pete) In order to get the goth kids as followers, you'll need to complete their quest, which requires the Snap & Pop ability. If you did not use any of the toilets before the timer runs down, the New Kid will blast everything out, creating a large puddle of 'waste' on the floor and getting knocked out; this will cause the mission to fail. Loot from the chest of drawers below the sink in the bathroom of Jimmy's House. Dressing Rooms. By the left of the photo stand, you will see a sombrero hanging on the wall. Kennys selfie doesnt count since you already selfied him from the main story. As such, when he moves into position, immediately pull all your characters out of the danger zone that the game paints on the ground for you. We can also have selfies with all four Mariachi band members on the stage, but each of them requires something different. This is also how you unlock the Ned and Jimbo summon. Along the way, you can first drag the ladder to the broken drinks dispenser; collecting Ice from it (you need to break it open first with Snap N Pops or by just punching it); this will be needed for a selfie with one of the restaurant's patrons. If you were to enter the men's bathroom, after dumping your 'waste', loot the wallet under the sinks for some cash, then break open the dustbin and toilet paper dispenser for some junk items; you can then make your way out afterwards. Loot from the yellow chest located at the very top of the SoDoSoPa ruins. Theres a pipe behind it. Collect from the tree next to the playground area. It is recommended to at least complete Medicinal Fried Fiasco first before starting the mission, as you need a few abilities acquired from the main storyline to solve the puzzles found in this mission. Guy with red hair. Inside The Playground, near the ship. Published June 5, 2018. Loot from the chest located in the middle warehouse after defeating the first batch of Chaos minions inside U-Stor-It in the mission, Located at the top of a stack of crates inside the warehouse containing a gun turret inside of U-Stor-Itin the mission, Acquired after defeating the Meth Headsin the mission. James, Percey & Jessy Simply go inside and speak with them. At the end of the game, cant miss them. You can also loot a bag under the table next to them on the right. The beam will then fall on one of the Vampires, draining some health and stunning the vampire below it in the process. Loot from the yellow chest located inside the garage of Clyde's House. You will be given the upper hand to take them on, punch them to initiate the battle. Throw a Snap N Pop to it, then pick it up from the floor to obtain the Mariachi Sombrero. Proceed inside, where Mysterion will inform you that the last relic is inside. You will also notice Chiquita the Gorilla catching his breath next to the salsa bar. Chiquita the Gorilla (give Ice from Soda Machine after defeating see Casa Bonita Entrance). Mr. Adler. You need the Fartkour Buddy Power to get up there. Next, make your way to the right section of the room, collecting some junk items in the cauldron of green liquid along the way. Loot from the chest located above Steed at Kenny's House. Timefart Glitch and Diabetic Rage abilities required to gain access looting it. You may also head back into the arcade to obtain all of the exclusive Artifacts available for exchange at the arcade's counter by replaying the arcade games available in there; also you can make your way back to the top and dive down the waterfall again to initiate its corresponding mini-game to collect any coins missed. You must have completed the first police mission. Terrance and Phillip Backpack in the right corner by El Chupacabra. Loot from the small chest by the table at the side corridor inside Big Gay Al's house. The Water Level which the Coon mentions will turn out to be a mini-game where you will need to swim across an underwater path, avoiding dangerous underwater creatures along the way. A cut scene will then ensue, whereby the host informs that the New Kid would have to purchase a meal ticket to go in for $17, at the same time a boy passing by in the back will cry out that it is "fucking awesome". You need 10+ Followers. Ms Cartman Head to Nicholes House. There are two ways to get meal tickets. Outside Jimmys House. Arcade Ticket x1 0:07Arcade Ticket x1 0:14Selfie Berti 0:18Selfie Calvin & Ms. Winkelman 0:50Arcade Ticket x15 5:03Ministrel of Ruin Recipe & Tome of Telepor. Diabetic Rage ability required to gain access looting it. Sharon Marsh Matty ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Seen placed on a bust at the top of a row of lockers inside the backstage area of Peppermint Hippo; use Snap N Pops to bring it down, then collect it from the floor. Thanks. U-Stor-It Back Room key required to access the back room door; it is seen hanging on the wall on the front room of the office, use Snap N Pops to bring it down, then collect it from the floor. What the hell is wrong with you? Inside Skeeters Wine Bar. The battle is quite tough if your difficulty is high, Vampires have a medic and two swarmers on their side. Loot from the yellow chest located inside the garage of Butters' House. I will add this to the guide! Once the photo is taken, he'll then break out of the 'jail'; he will be unlocked as a fixed combat buddy for this mission. Head to her office, speak with her and then she will Selfie with you. Mr Tweak You need to use the Fartkour Buddy Power to get to the roof, then across to the next roof. First, destroy the crate blocking the ladder's opening by dragging the oil drum next to it, and blowing it up by throwing Snap N Pops and a fart to the oil drum. Each time he completes his attack, more Vampires (Swarmers) will come in to back him up. As Mysterion prepares himself to confront Mike once again, Mr. Adams then suddenly emerges from behind, revealing himself as Master Vampire Adams while cracking some jokes at the same time, though this doesn't cheer up Mike or Karen in any way. Our South Park The Fractured But Whole Costume Guide lists the location for where to find all of the costume pieces we've discovered so far so you can look at your very best when launching deadly balls of fire from your backside. Master Vampire Adams then approaches to provide gift bags to the New Kid, Mysterion and Karen, who decides to decline it as she then claims that gift bags are lame; in response Mysterion mentions that he's glad Karen is not a part of the Vampires anymore. If you're offended easily you should look away now. However, in some exceptional cases, they can affect the battle ( Morgan Freeman serves as an example). You need to buy his CD from him to get him to follow you. Before heading there, loot the bag containing a Vampiric Elixir and a briefcase next to the party table. Keep moving leftwards; you will then see Mysterion on the roof of the building calling you out; keep going past the fountain, and he will jump down to greet you. Also, break the steering wheel off the racing game machine by the left area and collect it, then you may proceed to leave the arcade afterwards. Roman & Sarah You can now make your way down and collect items at the level below, with the chest containing the Mariachi Suit costume item and the pink bag by the right containing the Raggedy Bangs and Wild Pony costume items. Acquired after defeating Master Vampire Adams on the platform at the very top of the man-made cliff inside Casa Bonita. Coonstagram is an in-game mechanic in South Park: The Fractured But Whole . Once Master Vampire Adams is defeated, you will receive the Inhuman Mullet costume item as a reward. Similarly, make use of the Coon's Coon Claws and Henrietta's Cigarette Burn on Corey Haim for status effects damage whenever possible. Search the room opposite in the left hand corner for the book. does not directly affect stats / upgraded in any way) compared to the costumes in South Park: The Stick of Truth. Outside New Kids house at the start of the game. Head inside and speak with Kyle and Kyles mom. Clyde's Garage Keys required to access the garage doors; it is located in a bag at the rightmost table inside Raisins. Homeless Camp, on the roof of Kennys House, Buy anything from him to be allowed to take a selfie. The second way is by minor robbery: knock the ticket off from the host's hands with Snap N Pops, and use Timefart Pause to collect the ticket before he picks it up again. Inside The Playground standing next to the toilets. The slide thing is all the way to the right, so I cant get up the ramp/beam and i cant move it. Sergeant Yates I don't remember which is which, but for one, you need the Mariachi Hat AND Mariachi Outfit, for another you need to wear a Mariachi mustache, and for the third (the one without a hat) you need long black hair - the line mentions the particular singer is proud of his long black locks. Loot from the yellow chest located at the top floor inside the garage of The New Kid's house. Butters' Garage Keys required to access the garage doors; it is obtained after defeating. You, however, have Mysterions assistance outside the battle, he will channel his powers to bring you all new abilities: the power of the Netherborn. Take out the nearby Vampire Swarmers first, as they have rather low health, then take on the remaining Vampires. Speak with his dad on the sofa. Make your way up onto the stage and head to the right behind the mariachi band to find a dressing room. Terrance + Phillip Backpack bedside table near arcade entrance. The mariachi on the far left requires black hair. Upon entering the left dining area, you will notice a bunch of Vampires observing Chiquita the Gorilla making some sopaipillas. Talk to him and try "not to screw around" (by simply standing still) until he agrees to take a selfie with you. Craft it with the recipe found inside the garage of Craig's House. Loot from the yellow chest located above D-Mobile. Mr. Adams will then call you up, stating that there's only 1 more relic left to obtain to complete the scavenger hunt. Next, make your way back to the part where you broke the vases down earlier on; activate Timefart Glitch to put it back into its original state. Timefart Pause ability required to gain access looting it. To do so, first make your way to the bottom floor by going past the line of kids and heading down the slope, or by climbing down the ladder that you've just brought down, then making your way to the left and throwing a Snap N Pop onto the yellow crack, which causes you to fall on the floor below. At the main dining area, climb up the flight of stairs behind where the Broflovski family is seen eating to get to the mezzanine floor, then head to the very right and loot them from a pouch located above the restaurant toilets and video arcade entrance. Andre Johnson & Janson After that, throw Snap N Pops onto the right side of the beam, which allows you to cross to the upper level on the left side. Acquired after defeating Freedom Pals in the mission. His first telegraphed attack will be blowing frosted tips onto affected telegraphed areas, causing the Chilled status effect if affected. Valve Corporation. Equip a speedster power then talk to him. In Raisins. If you die in the combat, Mysterion will immediately revive you and provide a healing boost, allowing you to keep fighting. South Park The Fractured But Whole received its first piece of story DLC today called From Dusk Till Casa Bonita. Mr Mackey Once you choose your superhero persona and you leave Cartman's house, you're introduced to the full use of Coonstagram. Appreciate the information! Make your way right to the side room of the stage where the Mariachi band is playing to obtain the Mariachi Mustache costume item. Box Key required to access the post office box; it is obtained after collecting it from a container next to an abandoned boat by the area on the left side of Stark's Pond South. Once you've made your way to the upper platform with Fartkour, throw Snap N Pops onto the cable of the broken elevator to bring it down, then scan the pinwheel above to display another buddy hologram. Fartkour ability required to gain access looting it, needs Crafter Rank 1, 3 Bolts of Cloth, Fartkour ability required to gain access looting it, needs Crafter Rank 1, 4 Bolts of Cloth, Fartkour ability required to gain access looting it, needs Crafter Rank 1, 2 Bolts of Cloth. After you defeat them, Mysterion will consider you to be ready, and ask you to go in with him. Loot from a bag inside the evidence room at Park County Police station. Unplanned Parenthood Store Head down the broken beam to the floor below to collect it from a chest at the left corner. Collecting Costumes will boost the "Outfitter"title inside the Character Sheet app, providing rewards to the toy chest once the title rank has been reached. You cant miss them. Your email address will not be published. Pursue under sink and container in third stall in Womens washroom. Classi & Jimmy Players will once again assume the role of the New Kid and join South Park favorites Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman in a new hilarious and outrageous RPG adventure. Timmy Equip a plantmancer power then talk to him. Shelly Marsh Mr Mephesto Once a single Vampire remains standing, a cut scene will play, where they will mention that why a Vamp Kid isn't joining the fight, who actually turns out to be Henrietta, a part of the Goth Kids seen eating with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Biggle. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Before leaving the area, loot the presents next to the sopaipilla counter, also smash the nearby flower potsand loot the bags from the top and bottom left corners of the area for some more junk items. Approach him and hand over the Ice mission item we grabbed earlier for a selfie to add him as a follower on Coonstagram. In South Park: The Fractured But Whole, costumes are purely cosmetic (i.e. You can find her right outside Cartmans house at the start of the game. Some Vampires will then emerge out of the corners, asking the New Kid to be gone. Mr. Adams then proceed to take the door's key out of his pocket, opening it. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Loot from the bag on the floor inside the garage of Cartman's House. Skeeter Hes sitting at a table by the lower dining room area (near drew and the well) After finishing casa bonita i have a total of 145 selfies. Outside Cartmans House. Speak with Ike at the table to take a Selfie. Make your way back up again to where you initially landed with Fartkour. Release Date: Mr Broflovski You can now make your way up by climbing up on the cart, then head to the piles of treasure to collect all of them; the pile at the very far right contains the Chin Spikes costume item. Peppermint Hippo strip club. PC Principal Mysterion then spots Corey Haim on the run, the kids quickly catch up with him. Next drag the cart with TNT inside it to the part of the scaffolding with red cracks on it, then light it up by throwing Snap N Pops and a fart on it, which causes the cart to explode and break the scaffolding. Hope it helps! Police Station (soft room) Complete his sidequest Scavenger Hunt: The Headshot Job. Once you have gotten rid of all three crows along this path, return to the Ghost in the Misty Forest and take a selfie with him - Wayne . Mysterion will then make his presence, which alerts the Vampires; Karen will then call out to him, referring him as his 'guardian angel'. The evidence room has to be accessed by a vent on the wall after leaving the holding cells area as the main door will be locked. As Mysterion exclaims that Vampire-themed parties are not cool, Mr. Adams then denies this and proceeds to engage in combat. Loot from the chest behind the giant clock in a warehouse inside U-Stor-It during the mission. I cant for the life of me find them. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You need to buy the $30 contract to take a Selfie with him. Esther & Jennifer Beam over stage that drops pinata (distracts a Vampire Kid). Before heading to the space in front of the Vampires, head further left to see The Coon having some food. Grandpa Marsh Acquired after successfully escaping the strippers in the mission. You need to complete the first police mission and arrest the drug dealer. Jesus You will notice that there's a signboard above two of the vampires that can be brought down; do so by activating Timefart Pause and throwing Snap N Pops on both ends of the signboard; also throw farts on the other vampires for good measure. Clarence & Mr Jenkins Not sure if theres anything that can be done except load a earlier save. Mrs Tucker You need to craft a complete set of her costumes and put it on. At the area behind the man-made cliff inside Casa Bonita, head to the upper floor at the part where the Fartkour ability is required. The South Park Game Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Ghastly Grasp will be one of your most useful attacks here, thanks to its ability to inflict chain damage on any adjacent enemies, also make use of your Timefart Summon ability to gain an extra hand. In South Park: The Fractured But Whole, costumes are purely cosmetic (i.e. This South Park The Fractured But Whole Costume Set Guide will show you all of the different costume set pieces we've discovered in the game, including a picture showing the set in its entirety. the first ever underwater stage from the game Super Mario Bros. South Park: The Fractured But Whole Side Missions, South Park: The Fractured But Whole Side Quests. Complete side quest Scavenger Hunt: Big Gay Als Big Gay Cats for him to take a Selfie with you, Butters After the first night mission. Just dont do what I did, and jump all the way down after moving the hanging sled all the way to the right. Similar to the second method, the ticket can't be acquired without the required Timefart ability. When you are done with the DLC, simple take the bus back to South Park. The propane tank will then explode, causing damage and burning some of the vampires. Available on the third day, sitting with Mr. Black. Once you've made your way to the other end, activate Timefart Glitch to put the beam back in its original position. Beat up the 6th grader bullying him. Drag the camera towards the 'X' spot in front of him, then interact with it to take a photo with him. The swarmers have astonishingly powerful attacks, greater than anyone else. I think the fourth selfies you anyway. Loot from the yellow chest located on the construction platform area of South Park Mall. Once you've entered the hideout, you will notice that there is a huge pile of treasure located inside it, however they cannot be collected yet, at the same time you will hear hissing noises being made. Access through men's bathroom ( requires TimeFart Pause) Shark Suit - Purchase from Bebe Nucleus Suit - Inside the Mephesto Labs Head to the very right and collect them from a yellow chest with the Coon and Friends label. In Kyles house, the room opposite his. At the end of the game, when you have all power sets, go inside. Kill the weakest first and use your AOE attacks when they first appear so that you can dish out as much damage to all of them at once as possible. Timefart Glitch ability required to gain access looting it. They are at the Bus Stop. Mr Stotch You still need to do the rest to get the ice to give the Gorilla after beating him up to get his selfie, though. First, make your way to the left section of the room, then loot the present boxes next to the coffin. Fail it, and you die; Succeed, and you get the Shart Fiesta. After you get the Farkour Buddy Power. Mysterion's Dark Whisper is an effective method of luring the vampires away from the fountain's range. If you try to go back up youre now blocked by the sled and unable to get to where all of the oil barrels are. As soon as you enter your chosen bathroom, proceed to use any of the toilets; this will initiate the toilet mini-game, but with a different twist. A cut scene will ensue, whereby Mysterion informs the New Kid that his sister Karen is kidnapped by Vampires, and that he needs to rescue her from their grasp. Get her doll from the Police Stations soft room, where you can also find Mr. Adams for the quest, Purchase her Selfie Pass from the Raisins shop. Eat the burrito next to The Coon in the dining hall, next to the well. After jumping off the waterfall, the Coon will then comment that the New Kid actually did it, even though it was a crazy idea. Loot from the yellow chest located above South Park Community Center. Once inside Casa Bonita, Mysterion will scout for Karen, and you would have to figure out a way in. Outside the bathroom upstairs, blow up the wall. Inside Jimmys House in the kitchen. Bat Backpack beside locked Vampire door(can be seen in picture above). Hes in the kitchen, Big Gay Al Hope this helps, how to rest the game i got stuck on ramp and the slide thing is blocking me from getting up there i try to make both ends pf thing fall but you only make one them fall so some one please tell me how rest the game, You can rewind time, pause time and break both ends to move on. Available as one of the selectable Hair options during the part of creating The New Kid after the game's prologue. You need 9+ Followers. Upon reaching the restaurant's front yard, you will then hear and see a family walking away from the restaurant, gladly commenting the excellence of it. Mysterion will then ask what took Karen so long to realize that Vampires aren't cool to hang out with, in return Karen mentions that he hasn't seen her brother Kenny in a very long time, which prompts Mysterion that he'll promise to "make Kenny be with her more often". Once Chiquita falls, any remaining Vamp Kids will run off and the fight will be completed. I crafted and wore the Doom set. Two Vampire Blockers, a Vampire Medic and a Vampire Griefer will join the battle to back up Corey in this case. Activate Timefart Pause, then throw Snap N Pops on both ends of the beam. Small fire outside New Kids House at the left dining area, you will also notice Chiquita Gorilla. A Sombrero hanging on the platform at the end of the Vampires, draining some health stunning..., where Mysterion will consider you to go in with him complete the first mission! Some items can be done except load a earlier save directly affect stats / upgraded in any way ) to..., as they have rather low health, then pick it up from the fountain 's range Mullet item. The process doesnt count since you already selfied him from the chest of drawers below the in... Grabbed earlier for a Selfie will Selfie with you denies this and proceeds to engage in combat ;! I cant for the Ice mission item we grabbed earlier for a Selfie (! 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